Skinny Jeans

I WILL fit into my skinny jeans this year! In fact I will buy a few new pairs of skinny jeans too. I am Rachel, and although in person I do not look like I weigh 204 lbs, I do sadly. I would like to lose weight to feel good for myself and get back into shape. I have terrific muscle tone but I have got to get this layer of flab off of it first. I have tried before to keep a food journal but that usually has only lasted a day or so because it is such a pain to have to count calories and fat on your own. I am very glad I found this site because all I have to do is enter my info and it's there for me to show me my progress. That's easy enough motivation for me! I also got a little giddy when I first entered in my info and it stated by Oct. 8th I will have lost 5lbs, yippee! Skinny jeans here I come!!!


  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    The journalling of food and exercise REALLY works!!

    Hang in there, and you'll be skinny soon.

    35 ponds gone, and met my goal. Now to maintain. . . .

    I'll just keep journaling.
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    This site rocks! get yourself in those jeans by end of year, by eating healthy and moving!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Welcome Rachel, I am sure that you will do just great and see results soon. Honestly, I envy your terrific muscle tone, because I have almost none. Even when the fat is gone, the muscle tone does not show up.

    Best of luck!
  • krmat
    krmat Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome Rachel! I just was able to fit in my skinny jeans because of this site. I love it! Good luck!
  • rachel1230
    Thanks guys!!!!