Anyone have UGW of under 8 stone?

I've just rejoined the forum after regaining weight. Last year I went from 10 and a half stone to eight and a half through calorie control and exercise and was planning to lose more but with a stressful time at work took my eye off the ball and now find myself back at 9 1/2 (133 lbs).

I'm a petite 5'3 and look very chunky at my current weight with a pudgy face - I'm ultimately aiming for 7 stone 10 or 108lbs.

I'm planning to eat 1200 calories 4 days/week and 800 3 days/week, with short runs 5 days/week.

Does anyone have a similar target goal weight or calorie intake and want to chat, motivate and share food diaries?

Boo xXx


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Please do not attempt to eat 800 calories 3 days a week, in fact don't eat under 1200 calories ever. Don't take extreme measures to lose weight, you can negatively affect your metabolism and work against yourself, plus you're more likely to just gain the weight back after you lose it due to unsustainable practices. I guarantee you that your BMR is over 1200 calories and you shouldn't really eat under your BMR in my opinion
  • LadyBoo89
    LadyBoo89 Posts: 12
    I've read a few posts about not eating under 1200 calories, but I added up my typical food intake when I was younger (late teens) and not on a diet and whilst my intake often didn't go over 1200 calories I wouldn't feel hungry or lethargic. Over the past few months whilst I've been gaining what I would still only be eating around 1400 calories (just of less healthy food).

    I think perhaps some people just need less food, particularly very short women with a small build?
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I've read a few posts about not eating under 1200 calories, but I added up my typical food intake when I was younger (late teens) and not on a diet and whilst my intake often didn't go over 1200 calories I wouldn't feel hungry or lethargic. Over the past few months whilst I've been gaining what I would still only be eating around 1400 calories (just of less healthy food).

    I think perhaps some people just need less food, particularly very short women with a small build?

    How much do you weigh right now if you don't mind me asking?
  • LadyBoo89
    LadyBoo89 Posts: 12
    How much do you weigh right now if you don't mind me asking?

    133lbs at the moment.
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    I've read a few posts about not eating under 1200 calories, but I added up my typical food intake when I was younger (late teens) and not on a diet and whilst my intake often didn't go over 1200 calories I wouldn't feel hungry or lethargic. Over the past few months whilst I've been gaining what I would still only be eating around 1400 calories (just of less healthy food).

    I think perhaps some people just need less food, particularly very short women with a small build?

    I *hate* the perception that short women have to eat smaller amounts of food. I'm 5'2 and I eat 1600-1900 a day and I'm losing steadily. There is no reason to starve yourself.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    How much do you weigh right now if you don't mind me asking?

    133lbs at the moment.

    Idk what your body fat percentage is, but just to give you some examples,

    At a bodyweight of 133 lbs,

    If your BF% is 40%, your BMR is 1150 calories
    If your BF% is 35%, your BMR is 1220 calories
    If your BF% is 30%, your BMR is 1280 calories
    If your BF% is 25%, your BMR is 1350 calories

    These are the amount of calories your body would burn each day if you were in a coma and did not move an inch. Please don't eat less than 1200 calories, especially if you plan on doing any exercise whatsoever.
  • LadyBoo89
    LadyBoo89 Posts: 12
    I have no idea what my body fat percentage is, but thanks for this. I should point out that I am aiming for 1200/800 after exercise, doing a 5k run about 5 days a week. So I may actually be eating more than this, but hopefully burning it off.
  • LadyBoo89
    LadyBoo89 Posts: 12
    I take offence to the accusation that I'm planning to starve myself. Everyone's body is different and has different needs - if I don't feel hungry then I won't eat just because someone somewhere has decided women shouldn't eat less than 1200 calories. How can this figure possible apply to everyone? If you eat healthily (e.g. mainly eggs, meat, fish, dairy and veg with just a little bread/pasta) then you can still have a nutritious diet.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I take offence to the accusation that I'm planning to starve myself. Everyone's body is different and has different needs - if I don't feel hungry then I won't eat just because someone somewhere has decided women shouldn't eat less than 1200 calories. How can this figure possible apply to everyone? If you eat healthily (e.g. mainly eggs, meat, fish, dairy and veg with just a little bread/pasta) then you can still have a nutritious diet.

    Oh boy...seems like your perception of healthy nutrition is flawed. You do not have to limit yourself to a handful of foods that other people have labeled as "healthy". Sugar is not bad, carbs are not bad, fat is not bad, as long as it fits your calories and macro goals for the day. Eat whatever you want to hit your goals
  • OrionMama
    OrionMama Posts: 19 Member
    I think about 1000 calories would be a perfectly fine goal # after exercise, give or take a snack/meal here or there.When only trying to lose a small amount, it may not be as simple as 1200 calories for everyone. I actually gain weight on 1200 a day. As long as you have energy and don't continue at a deficit after you lose the weight you should do what feels right for you! Go ahead and string me up for not following the "rules", sheesh.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I think about 1000 calories would be a perfectly fine goal # after exercise, give or take a snack/meal here or there.When only trying to lose a small amount, it may not be as simple as 1200 calories for everyone. I actually gain weight on 1200 a day. As long as you have energy and don't continue at a deficit after you lose the weight you should do what feels right for you! Go ahead and string me up for not following the "rules", sheesh.

    The reason MFP has that as a minimum goal is probably because of liability reasons. You would have to have a lean body mass of less than 85 lbs to have a BMR of 1200 or less, so they don't want to be accused of facilitating eating disorders
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    I think about 1000 calories would be a perfectly fine goal # after exercise, give or take a snack/meal here or there.When only trying to lose a small amount, it may not be as simple as 1200 calories for everyone. I actually gain weight on 1200 a day. As long as you have energy and don't continue at a deficit after you lose the weight you should do what feels right for you! Go ahead and string me up for not following the "rules", sheesh.

    I sincerely doubt that you gain fat on 1200 calories a day. Losing weight is as simple as a calorie deficit. No more. No less.