What do you eat at restaurants?

I seem to wreck my diet any time we go out to eat - though I try to make smart choices and watch portion sizes. What do you all order when you go out to eat? What kinds of restaurants are the worst to eat at? Chinese food? Pizza? Mexican restaurants?

Apologies, in advance, if this has been asked before. I'm still learning how to work the message boards.


  • Lorijp
    Lorijp Posts: 47 Member
    It honestly depends on what choice you have made as in the type of food, calories, low carb/high protein you have decided to do to lose weight. I personally do low carb-high protein so the more meat I do is good--steak, shrimp, fish, chicken, salad, steamed or sauted veggies, if I eat potatoes it's not much.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Usually I just ate home. But when I go ate at restaurants I order what is tasty. Don't see a point of going somewhere out to ate where they serve delicious food when you can't enjoy it to fullest. So I usually count them as my cheat meals. It works cos I don't go ate out very often. At least not on a regular basis like some people.

    Personally I find that chinese food is the most healthiest. You have a lot of food choises what does not contain high amounts of fat and sugar. And a lot of things there are either boiled or stewed. Foods that is the most unhealthy seems to be ones what are made very fast, like McDonald's or Pizza. So if you are willing to wait 40 minutes for them to cook you a fish while just chatting at table and having some fast snacks (appetizers) and wine, will be way healthier than 10 min fish burger or something...
  • Mellzicious
    You can eat almost anywhere, but some places are definitely better than others! If possible, looking at the menu and nutrition information before going to the restaurant is best... but you can always improvise.

    Mexican - Fajitas - eat half, go easy on the chips
    Italian - Stay away from cream sauces, butter sauces, and breaded items. Go easy on the bread.
    Japanese - Sushi - avoid tempura, mayo, and cream cheese
    Chinese - Rice, steamed seafood and veggies, sauce on side.
    Pizza - Vegan pizza options if they have it... otherwise, subs and salads... or 1 or 2 pieces of pizza with a salad.

    Just some examples... hope that helps.
  • taniiagirl
    taniiagirl Posts: 47
    I mainly pick pasta or chicken dishes. Being a fussy eater makes it difficult but I find these to be safe dishes.
  • QueenofGuac
    QueenofGuac Posts: 47 Member
    Chinese food is my weakness! But the best I can do when I go out to eat is drink lots of water before my food arrives, so I feel fuller faster. I always plan on taking half my food home as soon as it arrives on my table! I know thats really hard for some people though and if you are someone who always needs to finish whats on their plate I would stick to strictly healthy options, that way you can eat it all guilt free!
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    I am a big time meal planner... I usually know where and what I am eating the day before, so I will look up the places menu and enter it the night before, which then I build my meal plans for the rest of the day around that. I don't usually just go out at the drop of a hat because I don't feel like cooking... Since I plan so far a head I can eat anything from a burger to chicken sandwhich... I typically stay away from pasta because of my macros, but I order anything sweet potato if its on the menu! I really don't eat salads because I like the creamy and high fat dressings... I do enjoy veggies so I will order them too..
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    For me, since it's usually only once a week I usually just enjoy it. It's a treat (not cheat). If I eat out more than that, I just stick within my calories, or swap the fries for a salad. I'd rather eat at home.
  • lyndausvi
    lyndausvi Posts: 156 Member
    Most of the time I will just eat a smaller portion of whatever I want and not worry about the diet. Last week I was in Philly and had a normal size Philly Cheesesteak without guilt. I just had a lower calorie lunch to offset all those calories from the cheesesteak. I also tend to workout more on the weekends to get more calories to offset going out.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Usually if I am eating out, I plan for it. I eat very light meals for the rest of the day so I can enjoy myself in the restaurant. However, if I'm trying to play safe, I'll usually get some type of salad. And I don't mean the ones with crispy chicken and bacon, I mean the healthier ones.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    Chinese food is my weakness! But the best I can do when I go out to eat is drink lots of water before my food arrives, so I feel fuller faster. I always plan on taking half my food home as soon as it arrives on my table! I know thats really hard for some people though and if you are someone who always needs to finish whats on their plate I would stick to strictly healthy options, that way you can eat it all guilt free!

    I have found that at times if I go to a restaurant that has really big portions I will ask the server to bring me a to go box right away and I put 1/2 of the entree in the box before I even start eating. I also always order a salad with what ever type of vinaigrette they may have served on the side.

    I also helps if the restaurant has a website so that you can see what they offer (bonus if they have the nutritional values), and make a smart decision before hand. I try to plan ahead as much as possible so that I can order something tasty and not stress over the menu, just enjoy not having to cook :happy:
  • Emmadennewitz
    Emmadennewitz Posts: 106 Member
    I usually eat at the same restaurants so I usually order the same thing I either go to a Mexican restaurant or chilis or outback.
    Mexican restaurant- fajitas minus the tortillas and rice. If available I sub refried for black beans and try not to eat the chips which is very difficult especially when everyone else are eating them.
    Outback- salmon or tilapia with steamed veggies.
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    Awesome! Thanks everyone! :)
  • whipsmart10014
    I deal with restaurant dining one of two ways; I either eat sensibly at home before meeting everyone at the restaurant and order an appetizer for dinner, or I review the menu online in advance, decide what I want, and plan my controllable food choices that day around it.

    I usually limit restaurant "splurges" to one item (a side order, a dessert, a sugary cocktail) and stick with lean protein for a main course. Leave the bread in the basket. Always.

    I don't deprive myself, but at the same time, I don't throw this new lifestyle change out the window just because its inconvenient once or twice a week.
  • kaseyAnne425
    kaseyAnne425 Posts: 230
    I too overindulge when eating at restaurants, but enjoying your meal and overindulging are too different things. Look at the menu online first and plan ahead. Most chain restaurants now have under 600 calorie meals or meals that are geared towards WW members. The most important thing is to enjoy yourself, but not to go overboard.
  • xoxobollywood2
    greek salad, a veggie burger or ravioli :)
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Because I rarely go out to eat, I ususally don't worry too much about what I eat.

    That being said, I still do try to apply some level of common sense. If I look at something and it gives me the imprssion of being a heart attack on a plate, I may steer away from it or limit how much I eat. Conversely, I may say "I only eat here once every three months, so who cares".
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Considering I eat out maybe twice per month tops, I don't worry about it. It's a treat for me and I just enjoy myself. I practice portion control and intuitive eating...I don't have to eat it just because it's right there in front of me. Keep in mind that most restaurant's portion size is roughly 2-3 actual servings and they cook with tons of oil/butter, etc which adds tons of calories...and also makes everything delicious. But this is why I really don't eat out that much...I cook awesome food at home that is about half the calories of going out for the same thing...but sometimes I just need a break.
  • toddlikesdesign
    Eating out socially derails my train as well. I think making as many sensible choices/substitutions as possible is a good rule of thumb. Black beans or pinto beans instead of refried beans when eating mexican, cheese or veggie pizza when eating pizza, etc.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    The worst restaurants are the ones that serve meals that you absolutely love and like to pig out on. Watch out for fat and sodium. That said, here are some strategies:

    1. Look for restaurants that post their menu online with nutrition info. Plan ahead what will fit best for you. Olive Garden is an example of a restaurant that does this. So does Subway.

    2. Order a "to go box" with your meal. Divide each portion in half when it arrives, and put half into the box. Enjoy the rest with your family and friends as usual. You can have the other half as a treat lunch or dinner the next day.

    3. Plan ahead for the calories and enjoy your meal.

    4. Drink water with your meal instead of beer or wine.

    Good luck and enjoy your eating out experience.
  • tangelogal
    tangelogal Posts: 1 Member
    I focus less on WHAT I eat, but more on how MUCH. I force myself to not be a member of the clean plate club when dining out. I've found that by splitting those meals in half and bringing home leftovers, I'm watching what I eat and helping out my wallet too. Prices don't hurt as much when it's for two meals!