Modifying 30-day shred? Can't Do Some Moves

39 years old, a lady, starting weight - 285, current weight 246. 5'4 tall. I cut out all meat and dairy about 9 mos ago, and mostly eat greens, grains like quinoa, beans and fruits.

I started exercising a week ago after being sedentary since grade school. I am loving it, and each day look forward to exercising. I started the 30 day shred. The first day was grueling. I had to take 2 days off because I could barely move. Since then, I have been able to do it 4 days straight, doing the best I can on lvl 1. My pushups do not even resemble pushups (hah) and my sit ups are emaciated.

Despite this, I LOVE the video. The only problem is, the jumping jacks and the jump rope portions I cannot do, as they are killing my knees. I do think I will be able to do them once I lose more weight but right, my body is telling me no. I tried doing "windmills" that I remember from middle school, to keep moving, but they don't seem that difficult.

Any suggestions what I can do during jumping jacks and jump rope that will be just as challenging for those portions of the segment that do not involve jumping with hard landings on my feet?

THANK YOU in advance!


  • MissJacquelineN
    MissJacquelineN Posts: 175 Member
    When I first started 30DS, I couldn't do some of the moves. For example, I would modify the push ups so that I was doing them against the wall, etc. Eventually, I was able to do them just fine with the video. The 2nd time doing 30DS I even did most of the 'advanced' moves. You just need to build up your strength and endurance. Don't worry, you'll get there! :)
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Squat down a little bit (as low as you can) and punch the air with alternating will keep your heart rate up!
  • cateyedkp
    cateyedkp Posts: 70 Member
    I am by no means a fitness buff, but I would think if you did side step outs (keep one foot planted while tapping the other foot to the side, and then switch- sort of like one legged jumping jacks) with the regular arm raises might work. And for the jumping rope, maybe lift each leg alternately, like a high march, as fast as you can? I've noticed in doing a bunch of her workout videos, she usually modifies jumping moves with "step-touch" versions of the exercise. Good luck!!
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Great job getting started. The important part is to do something, anything
    Maybe try walking a little faster to push your heart up some.

    These videos are performed by experts. That's not most of us.:wink:
    As you go along you'll figure out what you can do and how to modify the program
    So,it works for you. You're the important one here!
    You're in the right place. Cheers!
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Those are cardio moves - so you should be able to substitute any other cardio move, like knee lifts, hamstring curls or even simply jogging in place. Or if you want to save your legs, try throwing punches -- upper cuts, power punches:

    Power punch. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and the right leg a few inches in front of the left. Raise the fists up and keep the elbows in. Punch the fist closest to your body in front of you, while rotating the torso. Give a good 10 punches before switching arms and leg stance.

    Upper cut. Get into the same stance with one leg slightly in front of the other, but punch the back fist upward, as if you’re aiming for the sky. Keep this motion going for 30 seconds, or switch it up and add the power punch for a one-two combo move!

    The point is to keep moving - so do what you have to to make it work for YOU. Also you don't have to do 30DS for 30 consecutive days -- JM says she designed it to be done with rest days, so while you work out for 30 days, it should actually take you ~42 to complete. So don't worry if you need to take a recovery day.

    P.S. I'm a total Natalie (but someday I'll be an Anita)
  • Mantislady
    Mantislady Posts: 23 Member
    Thrld: Wow, I didn't know there was supposed to be a rest day! My dvd just came in the plastic box, no instructions. Somehow I must have missed them. So, if 42 days to complete, sounds like do it for 3 days then 1 rest day? Love your suggestions on saving the legs, going to give all of those a try!

    kmpeters: Thanks, going to try the side steps too!

    gramacanada: Thank you for all the encouragement!

    Imhungry: Yeah, that is a great idea too!

    Jackie: Can't wait until I get to some of those advanced moves! So far, just been on the lowest lvl, and following the girl who does the simplest forms.

    When do you know to move to a new lvl ? Should I wait until I can do all of the exercises from lvl 1, with the lady who does the harder form? Wish I could look into the future and see how long that would take!!
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    Because I lived in a town house and it would disturb my one neighbour who worked nights and slept during the day, for me to do some of the excercises, I had to modify the jumping jacks, butt kicks, and jump rope moves. This is what I did:

    Jumping jacks - I did squats, either with 5lb/10lb weights or without.
    Butt Kicks - The squatting down and punching move that is shown later in the video
    Jump Rope - High knee steps while marching in place (I brought me knees up as high as possible while not injuring myself), and doing this quickly but quietly.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    30 Day Shred is basically a high impact circuit workout is a low impact circuit workout found on youtube:

    It's 45 minutes long (Chris Freytag) ..... maybe you can take some moves from here. This is a great workout .... I like a lot of variety.
  • Mantislady
    Mantislady Posts: 23 Member
    Wonderful TeaBag! Will definitely have to check it out and see what I can borrow.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how often to have a rest day when doing the 30 day shred? Do most people just do it everyday?
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Wonderful TeaBag! Will definitely have to check it out and see what I can borrow.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how often to have a rest day when doing the 30 day shred? Do most people just do it everyday?
    A lot of people quote this "Jillian says to do it 2 days 30ds 1 day cardio 2 days 30ds 1 day cardio and 1 rest day."
    And while it is recommended that you should complete 10 days at each level, be aware that you can and should adapt this workout to best suit you -- for me that meant I did 19 days at Level 1 (I was very out of shape to start), and that the "30 days" took me 51 days to complete.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    Don't feel bad! I did the whole workout, all 3 levels, and still wasn't able to do a few of the moves! I am doing her "banish fat/boost metabolism" , boy! that's a workout! I am just now able to get almost all the way through. I did it last night, and then tried her "no more trouble zones", but couldn't complete the workout(its 40minutes), as I didn't have much energy or strength left after doing the banish fat workout! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!