1200 daily calorie meals and open food diary

firemama Posts: 66 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I'm looking for anyone who has 1200 daily calorie goal to get meal ideas. I'm going to the supermarket this weekend and want to plan my meals for the week. I am open to any suggestions. I am also wondering if there is anyone on MFP that has the same caloric goal, 1200, and has an open food diary so I can get ideas. Mahalo nui loa!



  • I do :)
  • beccabeccac
    beccabeccac Posts: 28 Member
    I can't say my meal choices are the best, but my goal is 1200 and my food diary is open (I think). Mostly I live on peanut butter sandwiches due to a very small grocery budget, but I'm trying to add variety.
  • missboriken
    missboriken Posts: 52 Member
    Mine is public.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    mine is public but i am set for 1300.

    i also plan my weekly meals out at http://www.everythingisbetterwithcheese.blogspot.com.

    hope you stop by (both).
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    If you can, use fresh veggies to the fullest extent possible. I can have a decent under-300 calorie lunch with salad, a serving of lean protein (grilled chicken, fish), fat-free yogurt and maybe a few whole-wheat crackers. The key is salad--for the amount of fiber you get, there's virtually no calories, so most of the calories are in the protein (which, like fiber, is also a hunger suppressor). Using "entree salads" made 1200 calorie days doable for me.

    Good luck!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Mine is public - I'm on 1200 cal/day plus most of my exercise calories (I usually eat 1300-1600). Quick summary: Lots of lean protein, low-fat dairy, vegetables, about 2 servings of fruit a day, nuts/seeds, healthy fats and as grains that are processed as little as possible (ex. oatmeal and quinoa). Can't forget my daily cup or two of coffee and the occasional treat. As little processed food as possible.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I try to stick to 1240 and you are welcome to look at my diary. I usually have a fruit smoothie or fiber cereal for breakfast and tend to eat the frozen lean cuisine for lunch (I am trying to stop though, because I am trying to eat fewer processed foods) and dinner is salad with steak/chicken/shrimp, or even pasta with marinara and meatballs.
    also, I eat my exercise calories usually!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    My diary isn't public.. I'm just a little above 1200 a day though. I can give you a general food plan though that I would have in a day:

    1 cup Kashi honey puffed cereal (120 calories)
    1 cup 1% milk (110 calories)
    0.5 cup strawberries sliced (27 calories)
    TOTAL: 257 calories

    105g greek yogurt (66 calories)
    0.5 cup frozen berry mix (40 calories)
    TOTAL: 106 calories

    Salad with romaine lettuce, cucumbers, green pepper, chick peas, tomatoes, with greek feta dressing: 165 calories
    Veggie hot dog: 70 calories, with ketchup: +10 and bun: 110
    TOTAL: 355

    Apple, banana or some almonds, usually around 100 calories or so

    Healthy Choice Gourmet Steamers by Green Giant..
    filled with rice, veggies, good sauce, I get the Mediterranean Grilled Vegetables one
    TOTAL: 210

    Whatever fits in with the leftover calories... in this case 172 calories. So whatever you feel like within that range. Oatmeal or a piece of fruit.. some crackers with hummus.
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    mine is 1200, its open but i usually add quick calories. i eat special k protein plus cereal or oatmeal for breakfast.
    I eat alot of chicken with veggies or brown rice.
    morning star meatless grillers
    100 calorie sandwich thin bread or thin bagel- also 100 calories.
    for snacks i eat 90 or 100 calories special k bars or there crackers. i try and get in 3 meals a day and snacks, its hard if you hate water like me, so i have to add calories to what i drink as well which is either crystal light or green tea.also, if you go on to special k's site. they have some great dinner recipes that i make.
  • Amarea
    Amarea Posts: 91 Member
    I'm at 1200 and mine is open, but I have good and bad days on my food choices. Yesterday was a disaster but otherwise I'm usually under my calorie goal.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I do as well.
  • Mine is 1300 and open diary but I still eat what I want. My diary today so far has homemade chimichanga and a BK egg cross. and a few extra little things like cheese. I've learned to just cut down on the amount of food and workout as often as possible. I'm down 7lbs doing this. Oh and I don't drink sodas, juices or any kind of flavored drink everyday. Water, water water and more water. I allow the occassional soda or juice (usually once a month).
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    feel free to look at mine...
  • I'm also public - 1200 Calories :)
  • Add salads to both lunch and dinner, with lots of variety.
    Add fruits, vegetables, nuts, grated lemon/lime rind, seeds and dried fruit. Serve salad dressing on the side. Dip your fork into the salad dressing and then spear the salad. It adds the flavour and really cuts the dressing calories - especially the ones from creamy dressings.

    Add flavour and adventure in presentation. I grate carrots and add a tsp. of vegetable or olive oil and some garlic. You only need to cook them for about 40 seconds and they look and taste great.
  • eacatterton
    eacatterton Posts: 111 Member
    Mine is open. I usually do pretty well staying within my 1200, maybe a little more with my exercise calories. I try to eat food choices provided with the Slim in 6 program, but I do stray a good bit. I usually do yogurt with fresh berries for breakfast, a salad with baked chicken for lunch, and something with brown rice or wheat pasta for dinner. I do my 2 snacks a day, one is usually a glucerna bar (made for diabetics) which is low in calories (70) and sugar(3g). My other snack is usually fresh fruit (grapes, peach...). I try to stay away from the sweets, my weak spot is my coffee in the mornings.
  • Mine is open and set for 1200. I usually try to go a little over 1200 so that I know I've gotten enough.
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    Mine too! If I have a good workout day, I typically eat 1/2 my exercise calories too. If I'm just not hungry, I only eat a few of them.
  • Hi. I am on 1200 cals. I am not very creative. But you are more than welcome to look at my Diary. If for some reason it is open will you let me know so that I can change my settings. thanks.. Katarah
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Mine is open and set for 1200, though I do try to eat my exercise calories for the most part. I do a lot of kale salad with galeos dressing - just delicious! When you are getting in your 5 servings of fruit and veggies it seems like it's tough to go way over. I was trying to take a break from meat but I like to eat 40/40/30 so it is a struggle. I am also gluten free.

    I think everyone should have theirs open. If you are ashamed to share it, don't eat it!
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