Don't Know Where To Start Help :(

I have been on and off MFP for over a year I would keep track of my food for a few days and check out all the amazing photos of everyone's weight loss and that would be about it. I feel so overwhelmed because I have about 150 lbs to lose and have no clue where to start all I know is that I dont want to be fat and depressed any more. Any advice for a beginner trying to lose some serious weight would be greatly appreciated as well as some motivators this seems like I very supportive motivating group.


  • Hevenerk
    Hevenerk Posts: 48 Member
    The best place to start any journey is with a single step. When I first started I took a long look at everything I was doing related to eating and changed one thing. In my case that was giving up regular soda (or pop or Coke depending on what part of the country you are in). That change helped me loose a little weight, then I made another change, getting more active. after that I worked on learning better portion control. All the changes when made over time didn't seem like as big a deal as all the times I tried to do them all at once. In 2012 I lost just over 100 lbs going from 348 to 245, I am still working on loosing some more but it's not always easy.
    The best advice is to remember that it didn't all go on over night and you shouldn't expect it to come off over night either.
    1.5 - 2 lbs a week on average is a healthy weight loss, doing that consistently will add up to 100 lbs in a year.

    Feel free to add me, i'm far from perfect and have my bad days but I do try to stay upbeat and encouraging
  • mcphersonian
    mcphersonian Posts: 26 Member
    I just started on mfp 1 week ago.... the forums have been very helpful and inspiring for me. like Havenerk said, one step at a time.
    Be very careful before taking any advice that seem drastic. Baby steps count
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I too support small changes. I'd vote just start logging first and keep it up. Then look at your trends and see what you are ready to change next.

    One of the most effective diet tools (research proven) is logging. I had made a few changes on my own, but read the results of a big study of people who maintained a weight loss of 30 or more pounds for over a year - and one of the common habits was logging. So here I came. I'm only on day 10 but just that is affecting me. I look back at a day and think "Oh, there's where I derailed." I don't necessarily see anything as evil, I eat what I call cleanish and have triggers I try to avoid - that was before logging. I didn't have any weight loss - started logging - boom, I'm losing inches. I think it just made me conscious of what I was doing.

    Add me as a friend - I have over 100 to lose and I will help you any way I can. But we can't do anything if you don't keep showing up!

    I only make changes as I'm ready - no all out full throttle thing or I'll just turn around and go back where I came from. Don't go too far from your comfort zone immediately - you don't have to just to get started.
  • Sonj1973
    Sonj1973 Posts: 188 Member
    Hi there feel free to add me :) thinks it's great that your here that's the first step :)....Next don't pressurize yourself, set yourself an achievable target that you feel comfortable with, then go for it...If you sat looking at it as a whole it can be difficult to motivate yourself and that's not a flaw that's just been human. Break it down and each time you reach that goal, you can move onto the next with a smile on your face, because you are an achiever.

    Check out the forums there's loads of great advice and trust me your not alone on here :)
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    My number one tip is log your food. Every single thing you put in your mouth. Within a few short days you will start learning what is worth the calories and what isn't. If you go over the amount at first that will correct itself if you are dedicated to the cause and log every single meal and snack every single day.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Baby steps, and if you do not already have, get some kitchen scales and weigh everything.

    you will be shocked at how calorie dense some foods, like cheese, rice & pasta are per 100 grammes
  • crosstrich
    crosstrich Posts: 40
    great job!!! its never too late to start! my advice would be to remember that it will take time and dont beat yourself up if you arent losing as quickly as you want. it will happen and you will feel better and better. just do your best not to get discouraged. i read a great book called "health at every size" about nutrition and health that really motivated me to make better choices and stick w/ it. good luck! keep at it!

    oh also, remember that 1 bad day or a few bad days wont ruin it, you just gotta get right back into to it. something i think "oh well i had a horrible week i dont care anymore" but if you think "oh i had a horrible week i need to work harder this week" you build so much more confidence!
  • Numbah_5x
    Numbah_5x Posts: 8
    I agree with Hevenerk. I started by refusing to drink my calories. No milk, fruit or vegetable juice, soda, smoothies, etc. The only liquid you really need is water. Anything else I need; I eat.. The media sends so many mixed messages that its easy to get confused on what healthy and whats not. Most thing that say diet or low calorie versions of snacks are not needed. Keep your foods simple.

    Feel free to add me as well. My diet is not super strict but I follow basic rules about eating well
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i hate to break this to you, but you already started by coming here

    realize you have put weight on all your life and it wont come off in a week, due to a pill or by body wraps.

    weight out your meals

    use the suggested servings.

    get out and walk

    as you get more and more accustomed to that then join a gym.

    eat even healthier food

    make sure you track all your food and exercise just so you can see why things are starting to change and to remind you when you fall a little bit.

    realize the scale is just a number

    lastly, accept every day youre not going to feel good or feel like youre making any progress but know the longer you keep at it the fewer and farer between those days will happen
  • dazzlesangel
    dazzlesangel Posts: 47 Member
    I agree with what others have said, baby steps is the way to go, but I would also advise that you don't think about the 150 lb total that you have to lose, break it down into 'bite size' pieces. Go for no more than 7 pounds at a time, maybe give yourself a small, non-food, treat when you reach each 7 pound goal (I usually buy a CD that I've wanted for a while), and then aim for the next 7 pounds. Log all foods and exercise on MFP, it's certainly helped me to stay on track, and most importantly don't give up, you will get there, if you have a bad day (which we all do), just carry on the next day. Good luck!
  • eileenm777
    eileenm777 Posts: 31 Member
    One step at a time - this is a journey. I agree with many of the comments above! Eat, don't drink calories. Walk a little every day. Log for a while - everything you eat, good or not so good. Take your time.
    Feel free to add me!
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    I have about the same to lose as you from my starting weight. I'd just say make sure you log everything. Even the "just a taste" bites. For me, just being mindful of what I am actually consuming helped so much. The weight just started falling off without a whole lot of effort (so far) because its things I really don't miss. Oh only two slices of pizza instead of the other half my husband cant eat? Not shoving in my mouth that cold left over chicken nugget (drenched in ranch) my kids left over? I had so many extra calories that really weren't satisfying me or serving a purpose.
  • teresrd81
    teresrd81 Posts: 3
    Thank you everyone for your encouraging words baby steps... I will remember that I am going to commit to logging everything good or bad and at least be conscious of my choices. Sounds like a good start!
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Not just logging everything that passes your lips, but measure with instraments. Don't eyeball it. Later on you will want to tweek things to your lifestyle and body, but if you don't have a base (journal) you can't know where you are at.

    I hated measuring and journalizing because my computer wasn't always handy and then to go back and put everything in..... (I'm lazy) but I can't tell you how much it helps. I've been at this for three years and have gone from 314 to 192. I didn't do it overnight, in fact I'm still messed up in the head. You'll learn all this later. For now Measure as accurately as possible and journal everything that passes your lips (vitamins, liquids, tic tacs, etc.)
  • I have only been on this for one day, but I’ll just tell you what I am doing.

    I have wrote out a basic gym plan like whether I’ll be doing weights or cardio in the day and putting down the classes I wish to do, so each day I have a simple aim and a plan of the classes I want. I also put down the time duration I will be at the gym. It's nothing massive just simple which I think is the best thing to do so I don't get over whelmed and just growing from that.

    When it comes to figuring out exercises I tend to use Google to help me plan the day’s work out and I’ll go and ask advice from the gym instructors and personal trainers who are in the gym at that time as that is why they are there to “help out”.

    My food I just take it day by day. I have given myself a 90 day personal food challenge. I have a massive sweet tooth, so that is what I am focused on. I'm not eating any chocolates, lollies, quick meals, ice cream or take away of any type; even if it’s a take away roast. I do have a cheat day once a week but I still cannot over indulgent. This is just to help in a way, just so I don’t feel like I cannot have my treats but I can in quantities and learn that I don’t have to have it every day which with me it has been like for the past 8 months.

    I hope this helps you. Like Hevenerk said " it didn't all go on over night and you shouldn't expect it to come off over night either."

    Take it day by day and not everyday will be a good day!
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    Like Jerry said, you've already made a good start by deciding to come here :). Just do it a little bit at a time.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    My ultimate recommendation--it isn't a diet.

    If you only want to lose weight temporarily, then diet
    If you want to lose weight permanently, then make a lifestyle change

    I knew I couldn't survive on 'diet food' so I had to learn how to keep an accurate food diary and had to start exercising (have to burn more than you eat...the more your deficit, the more you lose).
    The more you have to lose, the faster it will initially come off.
    Don't allow one 'bad day' to completely de-rail you, but don't let 'bad days' become the norm.

    You can review my profile to see my journey...
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    First - Welcome back and congratulations - You took the first step already!
    Second - What everyone else said! Make small changes and set small goals. Don't overwhelm yourself with the long term goals!
    Figure out your TDEE and BMR (Google that or search for it here on MFP if you are unsure of what it is),
    MEASURE and WEIGH your food (buy a food scale if you don't have one) and
    LOG EVERYTHING. Logging makes you accountable to yourself, and if you open your diary it makes you accountable to others as well.
    Feel free to add me as well. and Good Luck! :)
  • Allymilan
    Allymilan Posts: 1
    I am just starting out too! I have started by cutting out the "bored eating" habits I have, and i'm making all around healthier decisions on what I eat. I also have started running/jogging for about thirty minutes each day. At first I couldn't do it all at once (couldn't run for thirty minutes straight) So I break it up during the day, and do it at certain times, like in the morning before work, after work, and later on in the afternoon. I haven't lost but a pound yet, but I feel better emotionally than I have in awhile!
  • ashandloggiesmom
    ashandloggiesmom Posts: 92 Member
    Hi! First off you are gorgeous, and kudos to you for starting the journey :) Please add me, as I am also starting out I've been on a healthy kick for a while but am just now getting serious. My best advice: I take it one day at a time and I forgive myself if I have a bad day and start fresh the next. And I accept that I am not going to lose 10 pounds the first week, I know now that it is a lifestyle change for good, while I eat what I want I do so in moderation and I know my old habits will return if I don't. You can do it, you can't lose 100 until you lose just the first few pounds :)