Help - Exercising and eating well but not losing



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Yesterday I ate 1544 and burned 818 between my Insanity workout and then my four mile run. I am starving!!!! I have tried to do the clean eating a lot and rarely eat frozen meals but had to yesterday. I feel like I should be eating around 2500 and should still be able to lose a little.

    Well if you did burn 818 then the minimum you should have eaten would have been 2018 (1200+818), probably why you are starving
  • unoriginalusername007
    unoriginalusername007 Posts: 83 Member
    Why do you say I would only lose 1/2 pound to a pound? I'm normally eating the net calories that are recommended for a 2 pound per week loss.

    When you were filling out your diet/fitness proifle, how active did you say you were? I made the mistake of saying I was very active, and logging the activity. I guess, you're supposed to only do one or the other, otherwise you're accounting for your exercise double and rewarding yourself more calories than you really should be eating. (So now I have my setting set as lightly active, and I don't log my walks and such, since those are already accounted for in saying I'm lightly active. If I do more than that, like an intense run or something, then I log that though.)

    Good luck!
  • afreelandgti
    Hello Penejoe

    I really understand your frustration, but to add to the great advice that was given before I can tell you that a food scale works wonders! I paid 18 bucks for mine and it has taken me to another level. Accurately counting the calories we take in is very important. Also judging by your diary you went passed your calorie limit on more than a couple of days. Some of the condiments that you are using really caught my eye. Mayo, ranch and sugar can take you to a caloric surplus before you can say "oh wow".

    I love the fact that you seem to be exercising consistently. I noticed the calories you burned but you ate them back and then some a couple of times. My advice would be a food scale and a bit more discipline with the diet. Try Hearty Spicy Mustard in your tuna salad instead of mayo. Sweetener rather than sugar. Save the ice cream for a cheat meal once a week. My cheat day is on Sundays but I still stay under 2000 cals for the day.

    Good luck and hope we all helped.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    The first step in debugging a weight loss plateau is to ascertain that you are logging accurately. From looking at your diary, I suspect that you are not weighing your food portions. You should:

    This said, plateaus are normal--keep track not only of your weight but also of measurements, and take progress pictures.

    ...she stole my link...

    Cut your carbs in half.

    Double your protein intake, or as close to it as you can get.

    Increase your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) by taking walks, getting out and about or generally just being more active. Clean your house more, start a garden, etc.

    Start lifting weights to gain muscle. Once you have muscle it will be easier to exercise. It will springboard your activity level.

    Take before and after pictures. Take them about once a month. You'll thank yourself for it later even if hate yourself for taking them upfront.

    Log everything. EVERYTHING. And log it accurately. If you don't have a food scale get one. Use it. use the heck out of it.
  • afreelandgti
    Why do you say I would only lose 1/2 pound to a pound? I'm normally eating the net calories that are recommended for a 2 pound per week loss.

    When you were filling out your diet/fitness proifle, how active did you say you were? I made the mistake of saying I was very active, and logging the activity. I guess, you're supposed to only do one or the other, otherwise you're accounting for your exercise double and rewarding yourself more calories than you really should be eating. (So now I have my setting set as lightly active, and I don't log my walks and such, since those are already accounted for in saying I'm lightly active. If I do more than that, like an intense run or something, then I log that though.)

    Good luck!

    Excellent point!!!! If you are trying to lose a ton of weight then selecting sedentary even if you work out 6 days a week as I do is the way to go. Very good point I was wondering how here daily allowance was so high with a 2lbs a week goal.
  • penejoe
    penejoe Posts: 5
    Thank you everyone! For the record I do have a food scale, but I don't use it for everything. I spot check from time to time. For example, I will eyeball a piece of steak and say that it is 6oz then weigh it to see if I was right. 9 times out 10 I'm within 1/2 an oz. I think I will start weighing everything though - certainly can't hurt, right?
  • afreelandgti
    Thank you everyone! For the record I do have a food scale, but I don't use it for everything. I spot check from time to time. For example, I will eyeball a piece of steak and say that it is 6oz then weigh it to see if I was right. 9 times out 10 I'm within 1/2 an oz. I think I will start weighing everything though - certainly can't hurt, right?

    When you signed up to MFP what did you say your activity level was?
  • beachlover75
    beachlover75 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh my goodness.....I haven't lost a pound since starting to use MFP so the reason is that I chose "lightly active" and that I work out for 45min a day but log my workouts everyday? So I have to either log my workouts and choose "sedentary" or not log my workouts at all? Confusing but thank you so much for clearing this up to me it has been very frustrating. :)