Don't Know Where To Start Help :(



  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    You have to be ready. If you aren't, you won't stick with it. After your mind is made up, be sure to log every bite of food you put in your mouth. If you find that you are having to estimate the calories in something, estimate on the high end. Don't be in a big rush to lose. It takes time. If you mess up one day, just remember that tomorrow is a new day. Find lower calorie foods that you can substitute for higher calorie ones that you love. For example, I love sweets so I buy a frozen yogurt that is pre- portioned into small cups that are 100 calories each. For the first several months on MFP, I read a lot of other people's questions in the comments section and researched things that I wasn't sure about. You can learn a lot from people who have lost a lot of weight on here. I believe that MFP is a great place to come to when you are ready to lose. Hang in there.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Step one:

    Find your TDEE. Eat 10-20% fewer calories than that number to lose weight. Do not get sucked into the 1200 calorie/day mentality.

    Step 2: log consistently.

    Step 3: Move more

    That's it!
  • lyn_2013
    lyn_2013 Posts: 108 Member
    They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. I know its overwhelming sometimes, but just take it a day at a time. Log everything you eat and try and stay within your calorie goal. Exercise whenever you can. Set small achievable goals for yourself. When you achieve that small goal, it motivates you to achieve your next goal. Good luck on your goals. You can add me for motivation if you like!
  • mrsbaglady2you
    mrsbaglady2you Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I totally know how you feel.. I just lost 51 pounds although my ticker says different (I am new to Fitness pal) and still tyring to understand how this all well I have some advice for you.... TAKE IT SLOW.... SMALL STEPS... the biggest step is wanting to do something about it.. I started with small changes and listen I still need ways to go.. but am happy I started.. I started eating paleo and then Monday- Friday I went to the gym (Only cardio) I did not want to get an injury and then end up worse than I statrted.. I also did not look at the huge number... Yes I had to lose 150 pounds too, but I decided to take it in steps, so I wouldnt get overwelmed.. I posted to only lose 60 lbs. so it was less crazy to achieve.... I totally would love to be friends and cheer you along your journey.. DO NOT GIVE UP OR FEEL LIKE YOU CAN NOT DO THIS,BECAUSE YOU CAN...... :)
  • Charis_Sophia
    Charis_Sophia Posts: 16 Member
    In addition to setting smaller, incremental goals, as suggested by numerous people, set smaller incremental goals on logging everything. I found it much easier to get started when I allowed myself one day a week when I didn't have to measure and track. I usually planned that was Sunday, but if there was a day earlier in the week (like date night if my hub and I went out) when it was just too hard to estimate, then I would give myself that day and track on Sunday that week.

    Is it ideal to always track everything? Sure. And I've found it much easier to find "close enough" proxies in MFP than in any other app I've used (NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, etc). For example, I log a Starbucks bran muffin when I buy a bran muffin from a baker at the farmers market.

    Here are the key things about this approach:

    1. You'll know your "close enough" estimates really are close enough if you are achieving about the weight change MFP estimates when you complete your entries. (And do click on that every day.)

    2. By using the easiest approach that gets the job done, you reduce your overall stress level which makes it more likely you will stick with the whole thing.

    3. Tracking most of the time is better than the occasional tracking you were doing before and will give you enough practice that you'll have a rough idea about how you did the untracked days by how you feel at the end of the day.

    4. Finally, remember that this is a tool to give your brain visibility into what your body already knows. Use this tool in whatever way works for you and don't worry about trying to do it "right". "Right" is whatever you find easily maintainable.

    Blessings! We're all here with you!
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    I started with about 200 lb to lose. I was at 368 after my twins were born and I would like to get down to 160- 170 lb eventually. I just started counting calories and logging every... single... thing that went in my mouth. I didn't even exercise as much as I should have but the pounds just started melting off. I lost 107 lb in the first year and a half. Then I got pregnant again and gained some back so now I am at 61 lb lost and I'm just now getting back on track and starting over after my most recent pregnancy. I don't really have any advice on how to get started... just wanted to tell you a little of my story and let you know it's not impossible : )