Sept Workout partner

Hey looking for a group or partner to keep me accountable for working out in Sept. I find it a lot easier to keep on track if I have to explain to someone why I didn't get off my butt. Didn't know what kind of groups or challenges were going on each month.

I know soon (I hope) I'll just feel better when I workout regularly but right now all I feel is exhausted.


  • Mjroxane
    Mjroxane Posts: 41 Member
    i up for it , at the moment i do no excrise i am going to start tomorrow so sounds like a good way of getting me to do it , cause i wont want to come on and say i didnt do any beasue i couldnr be bothered so i think this is fab :) Good luck !!
  • moosenbratsmommy
    you can count me in! i try to workout daily
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    You are welcome to join our group called 2010 Challenge: 52x7 started by missou and is found under the fitness/exercise forum! We log every day we exercise (and earn a star for it :wink: ) ANYbody is welcome to join!! So come on it is a VERY supportive group!!!
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    This isn't September but why not start today. Start walking!!!! :smile: Come on lets go. I'll walk my treadmill and you walk wherever.. If not walking whatever exercise you like. Come on you have to keep up. But if you REALLY want to wait for September I'm still with ya.:happy: Friend me if you like we can keep each other accountable. By the way I used to live in Ohio. All over Ohio from Cincinnati to Mansfield. Good Luck
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    I would definitely be interested...did you want to start with a specific task or time commitment?
  • NevadaSunsine
    Yes Defo need a work out partner, what do you have in mind?
  • Fiedems
    Fiedems Posts: 52 Member
    lol, we can start today. Not opposed. Just looking for ppl to keep me motivated. Right now, I'm totally out of shape, getting my butt kicked by the biggest loosers dvd. So just anything... Want to at least get to 3 30min workouts a week. Want to be more active every day.

    Just thought having some peeps to keep me in line would be good :)
  • starheart24
    I need a workout partner and would love to join!
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    Sounds good...I just bought the 30 Day Shred (Jillian Michaels) so I will push myself to commit at least 3 (30 min) workouts this week. We'll all keep each other in line!!
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks for starting this. I need some exercise accountability badly! I have the Biggest Loser Boot Camp, 30 Day Shred, a yoga video, and a gym membership and whole lot of EXCUSES (of which I will not go into)! I will start tonight and aim for 4 days/week. Weekends are hard but I think I get a workout just by being around my 2 kids.
  • vachegomoo
    Can I join too? I definitely need the encouragement... I've gained back all of the weight I lost earlier this year and then some. :frown:
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Sounds great! I'd like to join! :)
  • vachegomoo
    How is everybody doing? I attempted Jillian's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism last night and survived through circuit 5. Wed night was yoga. Tonight is my day off, and then back to it tomorrow!
  • jbisme
    I'd need to join this group also so count me in. Let's work out!
  • jbisme
    Don't feel bad you're not alone. The good thing is you have a mind to do something about it. So let's get started!
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Count me in!

    I am heading out for taekwondo shortly..class should be about an hour.
    Therefore I will need motivation to try and do the 30 day shred in the morning!!! HELP
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    How's everyone doing? I did extra long workout today to make up for the bad food day I had yesterday. I'm still pluggin' along!! Hope everyone is doing well with their regimes.