I gained back 50 pounds. I really need help.

Welp. Warning: my story, if you go to the end it's pretty much me askin for friends because I'd love some help and motivation. Thanks!
2 years ago or so I lost about 55 pounds.
I lost it fairly quickly due to the fact that I became addicted to exercising. At 55 pounds lost, I still had 35 to go.
I exercised so much that I seriously just burnt myself out. I stopped eating right and exercising. I got into a relationship and I dropped out of college and I was stressed and I was also comfortable in my relationship. My life is easy but with really difficult people in it. I stress ate and all that and gained back 50 of it. I just bought a scale today and I was shocked. I cried my face off. I sure as heck don't look ANYTHING like I did at this weight the first time.
The worst part is. I'm just starting to push through the stress and workout. My wedding is in 3 and a half months.
I know I can't lose the 80 pounds I'd like to lose but I will sure as hell bust my butt to get as much as I can off. Afterwards I know my fiancé and I are going to attempt to continue to live a healthier lifestyle. But for now, I just REALLY need some motivation to do this.
I'm so depressed. I just want to look my best.
Thanks everyone! Please don't be a stranger! :)


  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 414 Member
    half of your calories yesterday were empty calories. cheetos for breakfast and a king size candy bar? I fyou aare really serious, cut out the junk food completely. Go to the store and buy some fruit to snack on. Best advice is to plan ahead and stick to the plan. Good luck to you, you did it before you can do ir agaain.
  • kendra_ra
    kendra_ra Posts: 1 Member
    I went through something similar I was super motivated 2 years ago and that faded away. I reverted back to my old ways and lost all my progress. I knew that the first time it was an obsession and my routine didn't allow for flexibility. In life we need flexibility in order to be able to maintain a healthier lifestyle. For you and your wedding and your peace of mind. Focus on your fitness and try to strengthen your body. That progress will help motivate you to making smart choices in your diet.

    Three months is long enough to get back your endurance and energy. That will show in your photos on your special day. Best of luck
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    No, you won't lose 80lb in 3 and a half months. But you can lose enough to make a big difference in that space of time. You will look gorgeous regardless of what you weigh; you will be in a beautiful dress and your hair and make-up will be done.

    If you are serious though, change the way you eat. I'm all for McDonalds and cheetos as an occasional treat, but when that's all that's in your diary it doesn't show much commitment.
  • sioark55
    sioark55 Posts: 52 Member
    I definitely agree with the response above, PLAN PLAN PLAN your day in advance. Also, as much as I know it is hard having people who aren't great around you, at the end of the day it is your hand that puts food in your mouth and you need to decide how much you want the results. If you have done it before, you can do it again SO MAKE IT HAPPEN and we will help :)