Any ladies with Type 1 diabetes out there?



  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Hello. I'm Jillian. I'm 27 and have had it since I was 9. Nice to meet you guys.
  • ginalaw13
    ginalaw13 Posts: 2 Member
    A huge thank you to all you amazing women who responded to this post. As the Mom of a Type 1D 13 year old girl this reaffirms my belief that she can be and do anything she wants! I am in awe at your strength and commitment to live life (healthy living, careers, kids, etc.) while handling the daily grind of Diabetes. Standing "O" to you. :smile:
  • efitterp
    efitterp Posts: 30 Member
    A huge thank you to all you amazing women who responded to this post. As the Mom of a Type 1D 13 year old girl this reaffirms my belief that she can be and do anything she wants! I am in awe at your strength and commitment to live life (healthy living, careers, kids, etc.) while handling the daily grind of Diabetes. Standing "O" to you. :smile:

    Yes! She doesn't have to let diabetes stand in the way of the things she wants to do: play sports, be successful, have kids someday if she wants. Let her know that she is not alone. Sometimes things are harder and take more time for us, but persistence pays off. :happy:
  • Harmony2376
    Harmony2376 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm Type 1 diabetic, 37 years old, had it for 20 years.

    In a nutshell:
    First pregnancy with sugars not that great. Lost Kaitlin at 37 weeks.
    Next pregnancy sugars were fantastic, got a gorgeous boy (and he's still gorgeous at aged 8).
    Then in a fantastic twist of fate I got my buy-one-get-one-free twin girls. Who are awesome.
    They are all healthy, happy kids and I'm a beer drinking, cake eating, getting-healthier, getting-thinner Mum.
    I did the DAFNE course in Sheffield (Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating), which is pretty cool. I eat whatever I want and adjust my injections for the amount of carbs.

    Feel free to add me folks.
  • AshleyFBerry
    AshleyFBerry Posts: 13 Member
    Your daughter can definitely do anything she wants! I've always played sports and done most of what I wanted. The insulin pump helped so much with that because I can also eat what I want. It does add a whole other layer to everything - but it can be manageable.
  • samijdkl
    samijdkl Posts: 35 Member
    I'm t2 but on insulin i have just started out on here and would love some help im right now trying to sort my insulin needs out since i started the gym 3 days ago and keep droping lower but not hypo any advice ?
  • Bianca_Bee_21
    Bianca_Bee_21 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Bianca. I'm 22 years old and I just found out in May that I am type 1 diabetic. It is all very new to me and so overwhelming. I have been diabetic for some time but had no idea until I was rushed to the hospital one night with blood sugar of 610. I was weighing about 140lbs but have gained about 20lbs since I started on insulin. My goal is to get back to a healthy BMI and to just feel strong and well. I would really like the support of other ladies that know how to deal with type 1 diabetes. Feel free to add me as a friend, and please any advice is welcome and appreciated.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    I'm t2 but on insulin i have just started out on here and would love some help im right now trying to sort my insulin needs out since i started the gym 3 days ago and keep droping lower but not hypo any advice ?

    Hi there sami;

    Congratulations on making the decision to join MyFitnessPal. This program has been invaluable to me.

    I'm an insulin dependent T2 diabetic, diagnosed 1982. There's an active and extremely helpful T2 D support group eager to share their experiences along with offering the knowledge and encouragement.

    You might want to introduce yourself and post any questions you might have there too. Have a look around the various threads and ask questions when you feel comfortable.

    "Think like a Pancreas" by Dr Gary Scheiner, available on Amazon has been a very valuable resource for me and can be for you too if your new to both basal and mealtime insulin dosing.

    As you've already learned, D is such an individual condition, which oftentimes can be very confusing and frustrating, as each of us reacts differently.

    The intensity of my workout often dictates the effect it has on my numbers. I've adopted the habit of testing before and after my workouts to learn it's effects. Additionally, I make sure I'm at safe glucose levels before any exercise to prevent hypos.
    I also carry glucose tabs along with me to the gym in the event they're needed for fast action.

    My levels typically stay the same or might even drop 20 points. Your mileage will, or may vary.

    Hope some of this helps.

    Best of luck and good health!

  • wantingbroadway
    Hi Everyone!
    I am a Type 1 diabetic, I've had it for 16 years and I am 23. I gained 20 lbs out of no where about a year ago, after several feeble attempts to lose the weight, I started going to the gym 5x a week and really taking control of my diet 3 months ago. (I can proudly say that I have not had fast food for 7 months!) Problem I am having is that I am not losing any weight. At first I thought that I was just building lean muscle, and I was losing inches, but for the last 4 weeks I haven't lost inches or weight. Any helpful tips??
  • epfenick
    epfenick Posts: 112 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I am a Type 1 diabetic, I've had it for 16 years and I am 23. I gained 20 lbs out of no where about a year ago, after several feeble attempts to lose the weight, I started going to the gym 5x a week and really taking control of my diet 3 months ago. (I can proudly say that I have not had fast food for 7 months!) Problem I am having is that I am not losing any weight. At first I thought that I was just building lean muscle, and I was losing inches, but for the last 4 weeks I haven't lost inches or weight. Any helpful tips??

    Are you having many lows? I know that I found with lots of exercise, that I was going overboard on my calories because I was constantly having to cover lows.
  • FriedPicklePrincess
    FriedPicklePrincess Posts: 53 Member
    Hi everyone! I am newly diagnosed from May of this year. I went into DKA and was told that if the ambulance hadn't have been called I would have gone into a coma within a few hours. It was so scary and was in the hospital for 11 days, 5 of which was in the ICU where I was also suffering from Pancreatitis. Since then I've gone to the hospital 4 more times. Its been a rollercoaster and now after being out of the woods for a few weeks, I'm finally trying to adjust to this new life. I'm struggling with creating a eating schedule (since I never eat at the same time), figuring out what I can and can't eat (my endo doesn't want me to carb count yet, which is frustrating), and feeling well enough to go back to work and school. Please feel free to add me, as I am looking for a lot of support.

    Also would like to add how amazing it is to see all of the women on here that have had children. Right before my diagnoses my husband and I had decided to start trying to have a baby. I was so devastated talking to different doctors that used scare tactics on me saying that type 1's are high risk and that the babies don't do well. Now, after doing a lot of online research I know I can get pregnant but Ill just have to put it on hold for maybe a year to get my body and sugars in better shape. I would LOVE to hear from the other mamas on here about your pregnancies. =)
  • strangeone25
    strangeone25 Posts: 114 Member
    Been type 1 for 15 years now. I was fortunate and developed it after I was done having kids. I am on injections. Feel free to add me happy to support anyone else trying to manage and stay healthy.
  • wantingbroadway
    Hi Everyone!
    I am a Type 1 diabetic, I've had it for 16 years and I am 23. I gained 20 lbs out of no where about a year ago, after several feeble attempts to lose the weight, I started going to the gym 5x a week and really taking control of my diet 3 months ago. (I can proudly say that I have not had fast food for 7 months!) Problem I am having is that I am not losing any weight. At first I thought that I was just building lean muscle, and I was losing inches, but for the last 4 weeks I haven't lost inches or weight. Any helpful tips??

    Are you having many lows? I know that I found with lots of exercise, that I was going overboard on my calories because I was constantly having to cover lows.

    At first (maybe the first two weeks) I was experiencing them, but I've been calibrating my medicine to what I need. Now it's very seldom where I have to cover lows.
  • BeckyBee78
    Hi! I've been Type 1 for 26 years. I've got two healthy, handsome boys who are the joy of my life. Weight loss has always been a struggle because of the issue of lows and also because I have Addison's disease (adrenal failure). The corticosteroids that I have to take to manage the Addison's raise my blood sugar and make it nearly impossible for me to lose weight... but I am persisting!! I try to walk 3-4 miles/day, eat 1250 calories and am still breastfeeding through it all!

    We can do anything we put our minds to :) Good luck to you all!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member

    Also would like to add how amazing it is to see all of the women on here that have had children. Right before my diagnoses my husband and I had decided to start trying to have a baby. I was so devastated talking to different doctors that used scare tactics on me saying that type 1's are high risk and that the babies don't do well. Now, after doing a lot of online research I know I can get pregnant but Ill just have to put it on hold for maybe a year to get my body and sugars in better shape. I would LOVE to hear from the other mamas on here about your pregnancies. =)

    am not diabetic myself but just wanted to state that as child of a T1 diabetic with several T1 family members ALL the children have done absolutely fine and we could certainly be considered 'normal'!!

    out of 10 children in the family born to T1 parents, only 2 have developed the disease themselves and one other has an unrelated autoimmune disease. Don't let T1 hold you back from leading a normal life.
  • epfenick
    epfenick Posts: 112 Member

    Also would like to add how amazing it is to see all of the women on here that have had children. Right before my diagnoses my husband and I had decided to start trying to have a baby. I was so devastated talking to different doctors that used scare tactics on me saying that type 1's are high risk and that the babies don't do well. Now, after doing a lot of online research I know I can get pregnant but Ill just have to put it on hold for maybe a year to get my body and sugars in better shape. I would LOVE to hear from the other mamas on here about your pregnancies. =)

    My pregnancy was as easy as it gets, if you don't count the diabetes. I was told that my sugar HAD to be 130 one hour after eating, so it was. Problem was, my insulin was active for at least three hours, so I would be crashing about two hours after eating, but not hungry for a snack to bring my sugar back up. Two trips to the hospital in an ambulance and one crashed car at 5 months all due to sever hypos. My advice, use a pump, get a good doctor who can help you set realistic goals (NOT to be at 130 one hour after eating), take the time before you get pregnant to get your sugars under control, and stop worrying. It takes a little more effort (doctor visits once a week for the last three months of pregnancy instead of once per month), but it's worth it.
  • annewiz
    annewiz Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 41 with type 1 diabetes. I was originally thought to be a type 2 who required insulin, but I finally got the testing (c-peptide and GAD65 antibodies) and was found to actually be a type 1.

    I recently started on a Minimed pump and CGM and I love it!!!!

    I do seem to have a lot of trouble losing weight now that my sugars are so tightly in control. Exercise makes me nervous because of hypos, but I need to just buckle down and learn to manage it just like everything else.

    For the woman who asked about pregnancy: I had two pregnancies on insulin and had happy healthy babies. They will monitor you very closely. They wanted my A1C right around 6.0 before I got pregnant, then to keep sugars at 140 or less 1 hour after meals. It takes some work to be disciplined with carb counting and testing, and also logging your carbs/sugars for your medical professionals. It's easier, though, when you know it's for your baby's benefit. You can totally do it!!!! Learn all you can now and it will be completely manageable.
  • ktd1987
    ktd1987 Posts: 6
    Hi everyone, I've already added a few of you that have commented but if anyone wants to add me that's fine, I'm Katie, 26 been type 1 for 23 years. Been watching my weight for about 2 years now and lost about a stone n half but had to calm down with the cardio (was doing insanity and the asylum everyday) as periods stopped for 7 months, I've gained about half a stone from my lowest weight but I really wanted to get my period back. I get married in 5 weeks so trying to lose as much weight as possible before then without going mad on the cardio, just weight training at the moment, and without starving myself!! Also got a little girl that's nearly 4, don't mind anyone in boxing or adding me if you want, would really like some active friends who know how difficult managing weight exercise diabetes hypos etc!! Xx
  • sweetgisi
    Hey everyone. I am type 1 Diabetic as well. Have bee for 28 years now.

    What I was wondering is how you deal with low sugars and your calorie intake? With watching what I eat and more workouts I tend to have low sugars more often (and of course I am watching my Insulin intake as well). How do you stay under your calorie intake for the day if you have low sugars? I just started and so far decided to try to eat healthy carbs when I have low sugar but not to notate them.

    Glad for any response.

  • FurryLittleBunny
    FurryLittleBunny Posts: 27 Member
    Hi!!!! :flowerforyou:
    My name is Bunny. I've had type 1 since the age of 8; I also have asthma.
    I'm soft and furry...cute and cuddly.
    LOVE new friends!