c-section jelly belly



  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    pregnancy can ( note can, not always ) cause pelvic instability, making it hard for a woman's abs to show. I have an SI belt, ( from my chiropractor, can also get on Amazon ) to wear. BUT you should go to a chiropractor first and see if you actually have pelvic instability. What also can help is pelvic thrusts... at least one minute a day.

    Try these:

    Double crunches
    rotating crunches on a stability ball
    plank twists
    russian twists with a heavy medicine ball
    sit ups with a heavy medicine ball raise, or wall throw
    tuck ups
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    lots of reverse cowgirl


  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    I definitely feel ya on that one. I had a c-section too and my belly had never been the same. But since I've lost weight, its definitely gotten smaller. My husband says the only way to get rid of belly fat is to do a lot of cardio, HIIT, so that's what I'm doing now. So far, I can feel the fat melt. I have not done any crunches or situps since that doesn't really melt the fat, it just strenghtens your core. But I do planks, and I'm starting to see a little definition.

    Just keep doing what you're doing, and it will melt away somehow :-)

    I have also had a c-section, cardio will not strengthen and tighten your core. Some sort of AB work needs to be done. HITT and TABATA ( any high intensity interval ) is good for burning fat. Steady state cardio, like walking, or running, or being on an eliptical.. not very effective for fat burning. Lift often and Heavy for a good fat burn
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    The saggy skin over time may tighten some. It just takes time for it to catch up. You can just do your best and lose weight and work your core out the best you can. Don't let people say it isn't possible to get a better looking stomach, it all depends on the person. There is women out there tat bounced back from having a c-section. Some people can, some can't but all you can do is try. Good luck!:flowerforyou:

    (I'm always working on getting rid of my c-section belly)
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    I had 3 c-sections but I have been able to work back to a strong stomach area. (You can see it on my profile pictures if you wish.) I have accomplished this with planks (numerous versions), hot yoga and cardio.

    Best of luck to you.
  • helz21
    helz21 Posts: 11
    I definitely feel ya on that one. I had a c-section too and my belly had never been the same. But since I've lost weight, its definitely gotten smaller. My husband says the only way to get rid of belly fat is to do a lot of cardio, HIIT, so that's what I'm doing now. So far, I can feel the fat melt. I have not done any crunches or situps since that doesn't really melt the fat, it just strenghtens your core. But I do planks, and I'm starting to see a little definition.

    Just keep doing what you're doing, and it will melt away somehow :-)

    I have also had a c-section, cardio will not strengthen and tighten your core. Some sort of AB work needs to be done. HITT and TABATA ( any high intensity interval ) is good for burning fat. Steady state cardio, like walking, or running, or being on an eliptical.. not very effective for fat burning. Lift often and Heavy for a good fat burn
    thank you
  • helz21
    helz21 Posts: 11
    I had 3 c-sections but I have been able to work back to a strong stomach area. (You can see it on my profile pictures if you wish.) I have accomplished this with planks (numerous versions), hot yoga and cardio.

    Best of luck to you.

    oh yay it is possible! thank you
  • ckess617
    ckess617 Posts: 69
    I LOVE Tabata! You're absolutely right - the HIIT is key! Alway keep your heart rate up!
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    I had a c-section with both my babies (now 8 and 5) and I can get the belly fat to dissapate but there's no helping the saggy skin. It all depends on your skins natural elasticity which I've been told can improve with good hydration. I figure I'm stuck with a non-bikini bod no matter how I exercise because surgery isn't something I walk willingly into.
  • booncey
    booncey Posts: 75 Member
    Here's my unprofessional opinion. I have had natural childbirth with the first one and c-section with my last. Of course, everyone is different..but for me-losing roughly 1 pound a week was a slow enough process to allow the skin to not sag. I also do crunches, planks and lift. I lift heavy enough...but not super heavy (yet). I do at least 20-30 minutes of cardio a day plus focus on a different muscle group per day. I try to do Ab/core workouts at least twice a week.

    I lost the weight post c-section and had a super flat stomach about 7 years ago. I quit doing everything (diet and exercise) and gained back the weight over time + more. I couldn't *blame* the C-section for it this time. The only thing the C-section was to blame for the first time was the cut muscle which makes it weak. So, strengthen the muscle..it will help.

    I think it really depends on how much weight you have to lose that will determine if you will have too much excess skin after losing the weight. I have read several places that abs are found in the kitchen...so of course, you have to eat healthy too.

    Regardless, you are not going to go wrong with getting healthy and losing body fat. Even with excess skin, you can still look pretty hot in cute smaller clothes. That is what spanx are for :) Good luck