10 Pounds to get to 10% Bodyfat

Hello, I just joined about a week ago Great site for recording My progress, fitness goals,and food intake. So far I really like this site for keeping track since you can customize the foods you eat.

My goal is to be at 10% or lower body fat by January 2011 which is achievable... I've been bodybuilding since I was 12 years old . Bodybuilding and health have always played a major role in my life and success and kept me disciplined and goal orientated.

Good luck to all who joined and stay focused, keep reading and learning about nutrition to keep you motivated. I still do after all these years working out and watching my food intake.:drinker: :smile:


  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    Hi Lou! Welcome! Have you heard of p90x? By following the nutrition program (and obviously getting enough calories so as to not lose weight) you can most certainly lose the body fat you want without compromising size or muscle and you will be cut cut cut!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Good luck Lou! I'm trying to get my body fat down too, though I'd be happy if it were in the teens :) What are your ratios? I'm aiming for 11% fat, 30% protein, and 60% carbs...tough to do !
  • louie377
    louie377 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm at 16 to 17% right now. I'm at 184-185 this morning. My waist is 33-34. So I figure 175 will be close if I slow down the fat loss to 1 pound a week and workout intense free weights plus 20-30 min cardio 5 days a week at 2000 calories.My caloric maintenance level is about 2500-2700 per day Follow Tom Venuto's Burn the fat feed the muscle philosophy.
  • louie377
    louie377 Posts: 30 Member
    I'd move your protein up a a bit to equal your bodyweight since calories from protein are more thermogenic and harder for your body to burn which requires more energy from your body which equals more calories burned.

    Complex carbs are great but only early in the day and just before and after tough workouts.
  • dougsheldon
    Hey Lou, I've been working out since last Fall but I'm just starting to get into bodybuilding. I have a 3 day split routine I'm following, Mon, Wed, and Fri, with 20 min of light cardio on the days in between. What was your calorie intake when you were trying to get to where you are? I'm taking in 3000 a day with a 50/30/20 ratio of complex carbs, lean proteins, and health fats. I'm not trying to compete or anything, just get bigger and I think a bodybuilding routine will work best for me. The problem is I'm 6'3" and 158 lbs and have a hard time bulking up. I've heard it's much harder for taller guys to gain size but it's not impossible is it?
  • louie377
    louie377 Posts: 30 Member
    You might want to drop the cardio for now to save the calories being burned for additional muscle growth.

    It's never impossible. Look at Arnold and Lou Ferigno. Try increasing your calories up to 3500 per day 5 meals per day. Depending on the intensity of your workouts you could gain alot of muscle.. You look good in your pic so jut keep doing what your doing and increase your calories and monitor for a few weeks and adjust accordingly
  • louie377
    louie377 Posts: 30 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I'd move your protein up a a bit to equal your bodyweight since calories from protein are more thermogenic and harder for your body to burn which requires more energy from your body which equals more calories burned.

    Complex carbs are great but only early in the day and just before and after tough workouts.

    Gotta say it's almost impossible to get above 170 grams protein now, and I run so I need my carbs! You should start a group/forum for this!