Frustrated with myself

GrnEyz Posts: 360
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I did really good on mon and tuesday....working out and eating well. Then yesturday I was so burnt out that I didn't work out. Which would've been fine becuase I ate well most of the day, then something snapped in my head after dinner and I just couldn't stop eating. I had like 4 of those mini bags of cheetos and like a dozen cookies! :noway:

I know today is a new day....but it is so frustrating when I feels like I have to start all over every two days! :sad:


  • GrnEyz
    GrnEyz Posts: 360
    I did really good on mon and tuesday....working out and eating well. Then yesturday I was so burnt out that I didn't work out. Which would've been fine becuase I ate well most of the day, then something snapped in my head after dinner and I just couldn't stop eating. I had like 4 of those mini bags of cheetos and like a dozen cookies! :noway:

    I know today is a new day....but it is so frustrating when I feels like I have to start all over every two days! :sad:
  • BreaNix
    BreaNix Posts: 205 Member
    Hang in there, you can do better today.

    I find it easier to not have so much temptation around the house. Right after dinner I like to wash up a bunch of carrots or grapes so if I feel like munching I already have something health thats ready.

    Good luck! You can do it!

  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Don't be too frustrated, it happens, it did today to me. I ran around all morning to get donations for our Historical Society . Then came home and ate two peanutbutter and jam sandwiches. I'll get over it though. Just keep on working at. The only bummer is I don't know how to count the running around in as exercise. LOL.

    Keep trying and don't give up!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    You can do it. I know it can be rough but give it time. You might find that if you cut the processed foods that your cravings will become less after a week or so.

    Keep working towards your end goal.
  • mary71225
    mary71225 Posts: 7
    It is very hard when you have a family, full time job and go to school. I will eat great all day at work and once I get home at 8:00 I blow it, I eat what ever has been made for supper and then I realize how late it is and I am to tired to exercise, because I have to get up and do it all again at 5:00 am.
    I have even tried to carry good food with me, but by the end of the day, I want what I think is real food. How do you turn the temptaion off?
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I know that I just added this to another post with almost the same trouble, but it works for this one as well.
    Lets say that last night you forgot to brush your teeth.
    Well Hell, Now my entire tooth care is out the window, I will just stop brushing my teeth completly, Heck while I am at it I think I will also stop showering and taking baths. As for cloths might as well never wash them either. because I forgot to brush my teeth I will NEVER RECOVER!!! :noway:
    If that sounds silly to you AND IT SHOULD!!!
    Then Why oh WHY do we beat ourselves up the way that we do when me eat the wrong thing or skip a workout. Think we are damaged forever because of eating that wrong food and quit eating right all together? :huh:
    Not that one day of eating something wrong is going to make that much difference, and YES it WILL if you start eating bad foods day in and day out because you ate it the ONE TIME GOD FORBID YOU ARE DAMAGED NOW!!! :huh:
    Well dearest, you are not. Get RIGHT back in there and start again fresh and new each day.
    Just do better next time. :smooched: :flowerforyou:
  • GrnEyz
    GrnEyz Posts: 360
    I know that I just added this to another post with almost the same trouble, but it works for this one as well.
    Lets say that last night you forgot to brush your teeth.
    Well Hell, Now my entire tooth care is out the window, I will just stop brushing my teeth completly, Heck while I am at it I think I will also stop showering and taking baths. As for cloths might as well never wash them either. because I forgot to brush my teeth I will NEVER RECOVER!!! :noway:
    If that sounds silly to you AND IT SHOULD!!!
    Then Why oh WHY do we beat ourselves up the way that we do when me eat the wrong thing or skip a workout. Think we are damaged forever because of eating that wrong food and quit eating right all together? :huh:
    Not that one day of eating something wrong is going to make that much difference, and YES it WILL if you start eating bad foods day in and day out because you ate it the ONE TIME GOD FORBID YOU ARE DAMAGED NOW!!! :huh:
    Well dearest, you are not. Get RIGHT back in there and start again fresh and new each day.
    Just do better next time. :smooched: :flowerforyou:

    :laugh: LMBO I never thought of it that way! That deffinatly puts things into a new perspective...thank you!!
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    You are welcome dear. It was a slap up side the head for me, Because like a lot of poeple I used to think the same way. When I read this I thought WOW, this is so true. It hit home I guess. We all have done this with our diets...
    This was just a moment of truth for me one that stuck and worked. :bigsmile:
    Oh that and seening a picture of me for July 4th 2002.. Oooooooooooo NOT GOOD!!!!! :sick: :blushing: :sick: :noway:
    PS I dare you to not think about that tonight when you are brushing your teeth. :wink: :laugh: :wink:
  • skittles20
    skittles20 Posts: 20
    If you drink a looooooooooooooooooot of water throughout the day and with dinner that may help to curb the cravings. That's what I do anyways, and so far it's worked.:smile:
  • mary71225
    mary71225 Posts: 7
    You know I do drink alot of water while I am working, because I try hard to stop the temptation of so much food, I even walk down the steps to get a banana or apple at the cafetaria, but as I sit at the computer, I feel I get the craving for alot of food.
    I have started today on a good step so like the person that gave the example of brushing your teeth, she is right, you have to jump right back into and try to make it a good routine.
    I will see how today will go, my job gets stressful at times and I'm sure that happens to everyone. Thank you for the good advice.
  • mary71225
    mary71225 Posts: 7
    Thanks for the support, I have been doing better at night time, I ate a plum instead of ice cream one night, then I ate an apple instead of potatoe chips. So, I am improving, but I hope the temtations stay away.
  • mary71225
    mary71225 Posts: 7
    You know I do believe what you said in the reply; I have been taking my lunch everyday; I ate cereal before I left the house and drank a cup of coffee at work; about 1 is my lunchtime and I had a great salad made, I started eating it and realised I wasn't that hungry. I got home about 6 pm and found I could eat dinner but a smaller portion. So, thank you for that advice and the picture of your children was a great idea, because it makes peole like me think of my children saying you can do it.
  • I do the same, I can do well all day and then in the evening, I do nothing but eat. Its like I can't quit; and in my head I am saying you shouldn't be eating this, but I ignore it and keep eating. I don't know how to quit; I have all kinds of exercise CD's and instead of eating I could throw that in and get a 20 minute workout; but then I start thinking of everything that needs done in the house or Homework to help the kids with; if you can give me any suggestions, that would be good. I try the fruit thing and I just by pass them. I guess it all motivation and I need to get motivated.
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