Medication and Meal Timing

So, I'm on a new medication for ADD (Vyvanse), and it totally diminishes my appetite. I only use it during the day. It wears off by dinnertime. At dinner, I eat pretty much a day's worth of calories, and then some.

I know I need to spread my calories throughout the day. It makes sense for me to eat breakfast before I take the med and it kicks in.

Does anyone have any quick easy breakfast ideas (I'm not a morning person) that I could prepare the night before?

Does anyone have any tips for eating when not hungry?

Does anyone feel my pain? (haha - maybe I should post this on the "Support" board)

Any other comments? (snarky or not, I don't care)


  • sourmash1973
    sourmash1973 Posts: 149 Member
    You don't HAVE to spread your calories out throughout the day. The 5-6 meals a day to keep metabolism up is BS, in my opinion and experience. If you're not hungry during the day, don't eat. Get all your calories in those two meals (breakfast and dinner). I get all my calories in between 3:00pm and 8:00pm. It's working great for me. Just a suggestion.
  • thetiniestgirl
    Thanks- you're right. I don't have to eat if I'm not hungry. Sometimes, it is hard for me to get out of "accepted norms" I'm looking at some intermittent fasting information, and some of it makes sense.

    I looked at your diary (thanks for having it public) and if you can eat that many calories in that short of a time, I can totally make it happen in my afterwork and pre-bedtime hours. I have less calories to consume :)

    It is going to take a lott of planing, but I'm a planner. And I have goals.
  • sourmash1973
    sourmash1973 Posts: 149 Member
    Yep, you're getting the idea. Don't fall into any of the Dr. Oz traps. Eat when you want, eat what you want in a deficit, exercise and lose weight. No magic to it. Good luck!