Breakfast - meal replacement shakes

Hi guys! I'm looking for a delicious, low carb shake for breakfast. I need something that's either ready to eat, or able to be prepared the night before and still good in the morning. Also something that would be ok sitting in a car for an hr while I work out (though obviously I could bring a cooler); I would drink it on my way to work from the gym. My friend had suggested Shakeology, but it's so gosh darn expensive!!!!!! Plus you have to add stuff to it which makes it even pricier... I don't like if I can justify spending that much on a shake.

I've tried muscle milk and it's ok - just on the sweet side for me really. I dont like sweet drinks, and need something filling and easy! Thank you in advance!


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Could just dump some protein powder in a shaker. Your scenario seems ideal for IF too.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Could just dump some protein powder in a shaker. Your scenario seems ideal for IF too.

    ^This. Why eat breakfast at all? Just eat a bigger lunch and dinner. Makes no difference as long as you get the calories in. Meal replacement shakes are an unnecessary expense.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I make a protein powder smoothie with OJ, blueberries, protein powder and bran buds for fibre every now an again. I'm not sure what you'd consider low carb (it's got about 53g or so) and 38g of protein.
  • I have plain Fage greek yogurt for breakfast, very high in protein and keeps me full until lunch. If any thing, I would deal meal replacement for dinner with some vegetables.