Calling an end to this binge

Hi people, I have had a week long binge, and I could go on and on with excuses, but I will spare you. I thought if I made it public that I was calling an end to this binge, it might be a little easier. Any words of wisdom would be helpful. I know I can turn around a week of overeating, but I'm afraid that I may just be going back to my old ways. I lost about 25 lbs last year, but have been stuck in a plateau for the last few months. My emotions got the best of me this last week, but I want to go back to eating healthy and excercising the way I have been doing.


  • grrl77
    grrl77 Posts: 108
    Right there with ya! But I try to keep in mind, that every day you get to start over. Every minute, you get to start over, really. I think keeping track on here - everything you eat - really helps you feel in control. I like seeing the numbers.
  • sherrilewis
    It is true... everyday is a new opportunity to start all over again. When I get into those modes, I think the best way is to get a good work out in and push yourself and at the end you will feel motivated to follow your plan to meet your goals. Just think that today you can have a bad day or a great day and it is your choice which kind of day you have. You have to try and overcome those thoughts and feelings that bring you down, because you deserve a healthy body and you deserve to feel amazing and gorgeous :). I hope that you are doing better!
  • Madamn
    Wow, I can understand how you feel. Binge eating is all about your emotions-not whether you're hungry or not. Sometimes I feel so hungry- I feel as if I can eat a whole tableful of food, but then I'll eat something filling, and try to tame my appetite. I don't eat when I'm upset or happy, but my biggest problem is I eat when I'm procrastinating about some dreadful chore that needs to be done, ex. I need to seriously organize my bedroom, and my brain says, "Gee I'm soooo hungry! I just need to eat something first." and maybe watch tv while I'm eating...then start doing the chore, then take a break bcz the lazy part of my brain is telling me to go eat something (very slowly of course, to stall even further) Good luck, I'm sure you'll realize you just need to put the past week behind you and get back on the wagon. After all, it's the only road to success.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    We all face the same challenges each and every day. But you are doing the right thing - getting back into the healthy pattern and not letting the emotional unhealthy patterns have control. You can do this - and the fact that you did lose 25 lbs is evidence of that. eating healthy, exercising, and drinking lots of water - all the key elements to losing weight.

    Again YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!


  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Congratulations on drawing a line in the sand and saying--"This is over." Good for you! Welcome back on track.
  • dirose
    You are not alone with this binge thing. Here I am again attempting to use "My Fitness Pal" to end the binging. I do find some comfort in recording the food I eat. It's so shocking to see the calories I am consuming when in my mind I don't think I am doing all that bad. It's the same old story... binge and then feel the disgust and guilt.
  • Abarb1
    You done it before you can do it again.. My daughter use to tell her brothers all the time.. Get yourself up dust yourself off and start all over again.. Each day is a new day the Lord has given us all we can do is the best we can do.. Just keep praying and ask the Lord for the strength..Just stay with this program you know it works.The word tells us to pray for one another so we can receive our healing...I wil put a pray in for you to...HANG IN THERE.....
