Dating, New Relationships, and maintaining

I recently started dating again and have had trouble maintaining my calories. I'm also skipping workouts to spend time with him. I've never done dating AND MFP, so any tips would be great. I've fallen off the wagon, hit my head, woke up and the wagons gone lol


  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Might not help you, but I treat my relationship with food like it's an addiction (which it happens to be), and I don't let anything come between me and my recovery.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    Not sure how far into the relationship you are...but when you get comfortable enough with it, it might be a good idea to let him know you're trying to eat healthier. My boyfriend and I used to go out for meals often (and I mean, Chinese twice a week, Wendy's and Chipotle in between). But since I've fessed up to trying to lose weight, we've started making meals at home and having stay-in nights instead of going-out nights, which are just as nice (if not better).

    Of course, it's ultimately up to you. It's absolutely possible to go out to eat and order healthy food or eat a smaller portion of whatever junk you actually want.

    Edit: When we do go out for dinner now, we split an entree. Or I get my own, but take half home. I also usually go for salmon or tilapia with steamed veggies on the side instead of an enormous cheeseburger and fries.
  • lmb3171999
    lmb3171999 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks everyone. It is a very new thing. He's trying to eat better too, but we aren't helping each other very much. Last night we went to Chilis and thought I would be okay taking half of my entree home (which I did). But there were drinks, appetizers, and desert. I went over my calories by double. The first time I went out with him I gained 2 lbs in one day after eating some nachos and drinking beer. I'm scared to step on the scale after last night. I'm just having trouble getting motivated to get back on track. I was working obsessively at it until now, so maybe I should take a break for a bit. I just don't want to undo all my progress.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    You're going to gain weight fast if you don't stand your ground. Happens to everyone in the beginning. Don't let this deter you from your goal.