New to MFP not to dieting

melifairy Posts: 19 Member
Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP and thought I'd say hello. I started out the year in February doing weight watchers and was doing really well for a couple months... then I went on vacation, haha. That started the slippery slope of doom... anyway, after another couple of months trying to get back on track I finally got back to where I was. I started working out really hard and eating better... well then I stopped losing weight and got extremely upset with myself. So what do I do? I overeat and emotionally eat on everything... so I gained back a lot that I had lost at the beginning. Now I'm trying to eat healthy and exercise again.... but I'm very apprehensive, I feel like I'm just going to fail all over again. So since I started I have only lost about 6lbs because I gained back a lot of it... I had almost lost 20lbs. I decided to quit weight watchers mainly because I can't afford it anymore and I know I can lose the weight on my own. I'm also unsure about the new program not counting fruit o.O I think that might have something to do with why I wasn't losing for a while. I'm also a sahm of two kids so it feels like I'm constantly around food and thinking about it... if you have any tips or would like to add me as a friend that would be great. So far I love this site! I love that it sets a target range for your calories and takes into consideration everything! Feeling hopeful for the future ^_^


  • prgirl39
    prgirl39 Posts: 108
    I can totally relate. I have been on this journey for 2 months, really into it after trying for so many years trying to be healthy and eat better and lose weight.

    I am also a stay at home mom, and trust me, I ate everything my kids left on the plate. I have been diagnosed with diabetes so I really need to take care of myself no matter what.

    I already have you on my friend's list, so I am happy that we can help each other.

    Tips that had worked for me that I can share: Move! Try not to be sedentary at all during the day. As a Stay at home mom with little ones I can tell you, they are my excuse to get moving. I stopped eating my kid's leftovers: period. Throw them out or put them in the fridge but not in my mouth. Journal: This site has a blog section and you can start writing your journey for your own support and help. It would keep you grounded. Have a support system either here/ friends and family. It is necessary. Set small goals, realistic goals. I need to lose 50 pounds but I am setting goals of 10 pounds and it feel easy. Exercise everyday even if you do 20 minutes per day it does wonders for your body and mind too.

    Last but not least, we are all in this together. You are not alone. Chat/ message me whenever you need to. I understand how hard it can be.

    Good luck!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Add me. Would love to help!
  • BrwnEyz79
    BrwnEyz79 Posts: 8
    I'm a SAHM to 2 girls... being around food and the house all day does make it tough. Feel free to add me if you like. I am just starting to get around to adding friends. :)
  • StaceySaysRelax
    StaceySaysRelax Posts: 52 Member
    I was doing WeightWatchers too and had to quit because the new program wasn't working for me at all. I agree it was the fruit thing. It sounds like you might be a little too hard on yourself. I'll add you and we can motivate each other.
  • melifairy
    melifairy Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm having a really good day so far. I love that everyone is so quick to help ^_^