Hello my friends!

Hi everybody. My name is Charlie and I am trying to get healthy and take better care of my body. But I would really like more friends to offer some moral support. I am struggling to lose weight after having a baby and gaining weight from steroids. I am 234 pounds and my goal is to get down to 170 pounds. I feel like I can not do this alone, I have went to my family for help and they have all said the same thing. That me being overweight is hereditary and I will never lose it. I have done more then enough research to find that is just not true. I have also been told by several people that because I have the nexplanon implant that I will never lose weight. I need friends who will help and support me, I need friends to help motivate me and can relate to how I feel. I do not want to just give up like so many people are pressuring me to do. I want to be motivated to hang in there but it is hard to do this alone. I want someone to be there and I want to be there for others. Add me and lets help each other! please and thank you!!
