Does anyone have tips for ditching the sugary drinks?



  • Antoine112
    Antoine112 Posts: 49 Member
    Will power :-)
    If you want to do something then do it. its the best way.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Go cold turkey. The headaches will go soon enough.

    If you really can't manage that, try cutting out one of your fizzy drinks a day for the next week. After that, cut out two a day, and so on. Ease off slowly.
  • MnMPants
    MnMPants Posts: 3
    I stopped buying pop and now keep 1 lite (1 quart) pickling jars in my fridge full of unsweetened iced tea. They're delicious and easy so I'm less tempted to turn to pop. I also find drinking perrier helps fight pop cravings if you're missing the feel of something carbonated.
  • moglovesshoez
    moglovesshoez Posts: 83 Member
    Try drinking sparkling water with a dash of fruit juice or some vanilla essence. Its still fizzy and has a little flavour
  • Kguide
    Kguide Posts: 36 Member
    It's not Coke that you're addicted to it's Caffeine. Coffee or Tea is much better for you, especially Tea. They find new things in coffee that benefit health all the time now also. Diet Coke is just as bad as Coke.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    I was never a fan of fizzy drinks but i use to love my fruit juices ( and those from concentrate). Since I started tracking my calories and realise how much calories I was consuming in drinks alone, I was disgusted! It wasn't difficult for me to tone it down as I would rather eat my calories than drink them. I sometimes still struggle with drinking water in the winter months but like now in the summer I just can't get enough. When I don't fancy water, I tend to have some form of herbal tea.
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Cold turkey my friend...brutal, but it works!
  • AngieTrullinger
    I have switched to those lemonade packs with 5 calories you put in your drink until I got use to having lemon juice in my water. I went from drinking soda like crazy to barely even drinking a soda a month. It is tough at first but after a while you get use to it. If you need the fizz, Wal-Mart has some flavored water that can provide that for you.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm a recovering "Coca-Cola" addict so I relate (actually, it's the sugar and caffeine I'm addicted to like so many others), but when I got serious about losing weight and making healthy changes I knew I had to find a substitute. Sounds like you're there! It's been 18 days (counting days is a sure sign of an addict, huh?), and I'm actually finding that 4-5 glasses of plain ice water starts the day off right and then I "treat" myself to Crystal Lite Pink Lemonade or Decaf Iced Tea with Splenda for the remainder of my fluid requirements. I also avoid the foods that go so well with Coke (pretty easy to do given I'm also on a healthy eating plan). You can do this - just see the soda for what it is - sugar, sugar, and more sugar!

    Club soda with a lime wedge on ice makes a great pick-me-up!
  • DempseyWRX
    DempseyWRX Posts: 93 Member
    Well I definitely agree with everyone on the get into a water addiction plan because it's fantastic. Also it's worth mentioning that an addiction to sugary, high fructose corn syrup and similar ingredients in sodas also develop which is a real physiological and biological thing. HOWEVER, caffeine addiction is also going to have set in and that DOES give headaches.

    I would say if you don't wanna go cold turkey right away, try coffee with enough sugar (not splenda etc) to make it bearable, and then slowly dial it back. I drink black, corporate office issued coffee now because I just kept dialing back. (now every coffee everywhere else no matter what they put in it tastes good :p pro tip haha) While you get away from soda, this will curb your caffeine addiction and curb the headaches!

    Also watch this video because it's relevant and generally speaking it's awesome :wink:
  • smoores8238
    herbal tea with lemon SOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
  • The_Gruffalo
    Currently 3 days in to cold turkey from Coca Cola had one slip when i drank a tiny 150ml diet coke but i have bought some fizzy water and sugar free cordial
  • paulyoung1703
    paulyoung1703 Posts: 29 Member
    I can pretty much guarantee anyone a surefire way of giving up coke, and it only costs £6 (~US$9)

    Just read this: