Should one go exercising with slight muscle soreness?

So, I started exercising about a month ago, building my running up from once per week to three times per week. The day before yesterday I ran 18 kilometers, which was nice but I also admit that it was too much at this stage (and I won't do it again the next 5 week). Yesterday was quite painful because of that run - the muscles of my lower back, my hips and of course my upper and lower legs filed in a big complaint about my running behavior ;). Well, today I still feel some muscle soreness, but I feel a lot better now. This evening I want to exercise again, and I have four options I am considering.

Option 1: Do a short run (3-5 kilometers = 20 minutes to half an hour)

Option 2: Do an average run (7-10 kilometers = 45 minutes to an hour)

Option 3: Go swimming today (and run tomorrow)
I've heard that swimming can help with muscle soreness - is that true and does that mean that it's fine to go swimming today?

Option 4: Don't do sports at all - get rest and do sports when your muscles are feeling fresh again! (probably tomorrow)

QUESTION: could you tell me which of the options are good and which are bad in your opinion?

To be clear - I guess it doesn't matter so much what I do this time - but I look to the long term, I will be in this situation often, so my question is actually the one from the title: Should one go exercising with slight muscle soreness - yes go for it / a bit is ok but don't overdo it / no you should never run with sore muscles - rest! Or, as an extra option, don't run, but swimming is ok.

Curious to hear your response. By the way, my father is a physical therapist, so I will also consult him and post his opinion.


  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I would go with swimming. Doing some sort of exercise usually helps get the kinks out. you could also do some strength training.

    The advice given for runners especially new ones is too only run every other day.
  • mummykira
    mummykira Posts: 14
    i would go swimming personally it's still a good burn but is alot more gental on your muscles. i would be worried about doing too much too soon and it stopping me from doing anything for alot longer. there is always tommorrow.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    I just take couple of aspirin, wait 30 minutes, stretch and get back in the game. You are going to have those days--stetch it out and go
  • angloaz
    angloaz Posts: 5
    I am not a professional but If I were you, I would go with the swimming. If your muscles are really really sore, then you should really eat right, rest and let your muscles repair themselves. If you want to continue exercising however; you might want to try doing Yoga or light exercises, in your case, you might want to go with the swimming.
  • jxspxr
    jxspxr Posts: 150
    Ok - thanks for your replies! So, 3 votes for swimming, 1 for running. So, I'll take the advice the majority gave here, I'll be easy on my muscles here and go swimming!

    Then I will go running tomorrow!

    I like the general principle here: muscle soreness is no excuse to skip exercise, but also not something you should ignore, but instead it's a good reason to do a *different* exercise that doesn't strain your body as much.

    Will use this principle in the future too. Other activities I may do in this case are: walking, normal speed cycling, fitness (training only the muscles that are not sore).
  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    Cross training is always good on days when you're sore! Definitely swimming.. or you could even go biking if you have a bike!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I think you're over thinking this. Muscle soreness goes away with conditioning, and you only want to avoid it to the extent that it keeps you from being able to workout effectively.

    Example: Calf raises used to kill me. So I lowered the weight and reps to a point where I was still challenged but not getting so sore ,and worked my way back up (this while time span was like 2 weeks or so, nothing at all).
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Should one go exercising with slight muscle soreness - yes go for it / a bit is ok but don't overdo it / no you should never run with sore muscles - rest! Or, as an extra option, don't run, but swimming is ok.

    Soreness, yes. Pain, no.
  • jxspxr
    jxspxr Posts: 150
    Good addition, thanks! I agree - pain = body telling you that you should stop. Ignoring pain leads to injury, which means that you can not train for weeks or months, or life if you really went to far.

    I don't mean the regular pain you get during exercise, this can be ignored, but the muscle and joint pains that you develop afterwards. You probably mean the samw.

    So, thanks for your answers! I like that I now have set some principles to follow for my exercise. I think doing this I will prevent a lot of problems, while not giving me false excuses to skip exercise.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Should one go exercising with slight muscle soreness - yes go for it / a bit is ok but don't overdo it / no you should never run with sore muscles - rest! Or, as an extra option, don't run, but swimming is ok.

    Soreness, yes. Pain, no.

    ^^ This

    Given that you went really long compared to your normal runs I'd go for swimming (or something else low impact, low intensity) today and run again tomorrow. As your body adapts your recovery time after longer runs lessens.
  • kegonzales
    kegonzales Posts: 75
    1.) you'll get a work out in thereby burning calories
    2.) you'll use different muscles-cross-training is good
    3.) Its no/low impact thereby by giving your joints a much needed rest
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Should one go exercising with slight muscle soreness - yes go for it / a bit is ok but don't overdo it / no you should never run with sore muscles - rest! Or, as an extra option, don't run, but swimming is ok.

    Soreness, yes. Pain, no.


    Personally, I'd do the swim...less impact since you over did it yesterday.