low carb - gluten free

Good Morning fellow losers.....
I have been following a low carb deit now for 4mo. As an FYI - I have crohn's now for 28 years and have spent many many days/nights in pain and running to and from the bathroom. I have noticed since going on the low carb diet and cutting out bread-paste etc has lessen my crohn's symptons. After having a heart to heart with my Gastroenterologist we are leaning towards a gluten allergy. I was wondering if other crohn's patients are experiencing the same.
Also as mentioned I have Crohn's and lettuce and uncooked veggies are not my friend. I am looking for any recipes that will stay true to my low carb diet yet not hurt already hurt colon.

Thanks..... AND YOU GO LOSERS....... I am down 27 lbs and still losing.......
