to zumba or not to zumba....

That is the question :laugh:

Actually, I am considering buying the dvds. But, here is my problem: I don't want to waste the money if I'm not going to like it. I don't have time to go to a class, but, I figured between homework and work, I can squeeze in time at home. The thing is, my fitness level SUCKS, for lack of a better word. So, basically, I am asking for opinions from people who have or are doing this workout. Basically, to let you know my fitness level, I can barely make it through 30 day shred level 1. And, if I do, I have to stop several times and do the mods on all of the excercises. I am really out of shape. I can walk on the treadmill (inclined to 6-7, 3.8 pace) for about 10 minutes...sometimes 15. That's about the extent of it. So, let me know what you think before I spend the money to order it!


  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 697 Member
    My fitness level is very low too..... I hope to improve that in the near future! Several months ago I was exercising regularly and went to a Zumba class.... LOVED it! Problem is, I was out of town at the time..... so, I came home and searched my area for a class and wasnt happy with what I found. Not all Zumba is alike. I like the tribal/salsa music and moves.... not the classes that call themselves Zumba but are really an aerobic class out of the eighties! Anyways, the class I went to had modification moves for people with lower fitness levels. There are lots of good DVD's out there. The music so fun! I am a big fan of Zumba and highly recommend it.
  • kls390
    I agree! I've only been to one zumba class so far, but I'm hooked! It's definitely a good workout.
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    I ordered the DVD's and I will let you know. I have a couple of friends who attend Zumba classes and they love it. I'll let you know what I think of the DVD's. For me, it's definitely another cardio option.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Zumba's ton of fun IF you like to dance - ALOT. Hip-hop, caribbean, african, jazz, hispanic......

    If you don't like to dance at a fairly rapid rate, then don't invest the $$ and find a cheap class to go to at your whim. Many have first class either free or at a discounted rate ($10/$15).

    I personally really enjoy it but after 20 years of smoking, I can't quite make it through our 90 minute classes - and I hate working out alone so investing in the dvd's would be a waste of $$ for me personally - I just wouldn't use them (but not because I don't like zumba!). Oh, and it burns a TON of cals. Well, not really but between 400-700/hour depending your size/weight.
  • knmlov2357
    I would suggest that you look your local parks and rec to see if they have a drop in zumba class, where you can pay a percentage of the cost (around $6-7) and see if you like the workout. Bring a friend with you and hide in the back of the class. That way, if it's too intense you can go at your own pace without too much attention on yourself. If you like the class, then you can invest in the videos.

    I bought the videos a few years ago and I like them but I prefer to do the class. It's something exciting about being in the group verses watching the group, for me!
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    Im starting Zumba in our gym tomorrow and on wendesdays (yoga tuesdays and thursdays) so I hope it will be fun too. Im the type who doesnt like to work out in groups cause I always feel like the slow one.

    GOOD LUCK! I hope you try it out first maybe look in your town or look for a cheap on on ebay.

    For the one who said that ZUMBA burns 400-700 calories how do you know that? Ive never heard that before.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Even though your fitness levels are not the best, you will definitely find Zumba challenging and a great workout as you try to learn the moves. I enjoyed it the first few times I went because I was burning so many calories. Then as I learned the moves I realized that I found the workout less challenging and I burned fewer calories. The difference: I was attending a class and the instructor would only add a new song once every other month or so. But since you are buying the DVDs I can assume that you will have many different songs/workouts to chose from, you so you will not get used to just once workout.
    I definitely think it would be a good purchase and a great sweat. Happy Zumba!
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    Thanks guys! I just ordered it online, from ebay. I ended up paying 60 for the dvds/weights plus 10.50 shipping. Still cheaper than the website, only by like 6 dollars, but still!
  • nikkirhea1
    A lot of churchs offer the classes for free or a small donation. They are really popular. I love them myself. I even bought the videos and they are great because they have one to show you the moves. It doesn't feel like exercise because the music is exhilirating and you feel like you can actually dance. You also burn calories. You will work your way up to exercising for longer it just takes time and commitment.
  • thenebean9
    zumba is a fantastic way to get a great workout! I am an instructor, and just about half a year ago, i had never even heard of it. a friend of mine told me i had to give it a try, and i loved it! It's a lot of fun to just shake what you got and let loose.

    The nice thing about zumba is that if you can't quite handle the steps or the intensity, you can tone it down a bit (cut out the jumps, skips, whatever) until you feel comfortable and confident in moving forward!

    Also, if you go to and look for classes near you - find one that's called Zumba Gold - it's for de-conditioned participants and so it's a little less intense than a normal zumba class!

    enjoy! :)
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Look on youtube and see if they have any zumba. There are a ton of workout videos there
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    I ordered the Zumba DVD's from and just received them today. I watched the basics DVD (where it teaches you the steps) and just did my first 20 minute express DVD. Just after that one time, I'm already liking it. The 20 minutes went by FAST and it was fun!
  • firemama
    firemama Posts: 66 Member
    I love zumba classes, but hate the DVD's. I like the interactive aspect of the class and the ability to see normal people shaking their booties and not just professional, slim, latin dancers. I suggest finding a local classes and dropping by to see if you like the instructor's style. I danced with two different instructors, one class was very aerobic ;( and one was more dance. I loved the dance class, I didn't even feel like I was working out, but boy did I sweat.
  • lucijakordic
    Zumba is a blast—on some weeks I go to three Zumba classes taught by two different instructors in two different locations. I'd go more if my gym offered it...
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    I ordered the DVD's because I do have to travel sometimes for work and I can just put a DVD in my laptop and press play. I've had the DVD's now for 3 weeks and I'm already noticing a difference in the way my clothes fit. My weight hasn't changed much.

    When I am home, I do try to find a Zumba class to go to for the interaction with other people.
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    Do it! just do it! i've been teaching Zumba for 3 years and aerobics for 13. as mentioned above, every instructor is diff and has their own style. I love it, it's a great cardio workout! that's great that you ordered the DVDs to get started. once you're comfy with some of the moves, try to find a class near you. a class setting is more motivational and inspiring. a good instructor will teach a class and make it enjoyable at any fitness level. i teach my classes as if i have a new person in class each time. i keep it simple and eazy and FUN!! I teach a high energy class so we're burning around 500 calories but again, i keep it simple and fun. Usually regulars are in the front of the class because they know the routines and new ones usually start in the back until they become more familiar with the moves. there are no rules to Zumba, just do what you can, move your body and have a great time. We ALL had our first class, enjoy it. As an instructor and a participant, I know it may feel uneasy at first to walk into a new class but once you're in, it's like a family. No one is there to judge you, no one has perfect dance skills, no one points you out, no one stares at you. Each person focuses on themselves to do the choreograpy and follow along....we're all there to have fun, burn calories and have some social time. We motivate each other!
  • jessicajm
    Zumba is awesome. I haven't met a person yet who doesn't love it. I bought my first dvd off e-bay for like $15 with shipping. Or check You-tube and see if theres something there. Bottom line.. it's fun and even if you cant do all the moves at first, keep moving. =D
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    Zumba dvds are definitely easy to follow so that would be great for you to start. Later you may be able to find a class and perhaps take one cause you will see the difference. It is more lively and you just push push push. Either way Zumba is amazing and will get you to where you want to get :flowerforyou: