Wanting to join a gym...

I am wanting to start lifting again but I am a little more than a little intimidated by entering back into the gym scene. I need to lose about 45 lbs but want to tone as well. I am not new to lifting and I am not scared of heavy weights. I am more scared by the intimidating looks of others lifting. Any suggestions?


  • zohartze
    zohartze Posts: 5
    Hello, I'm quite a bit heavier than you and just joined a gym! :)

    I think we're conditioned into thinking gyms are for buff blokes and skinny minnies but the reality is going to the gym is for people who wish to get healthy and fit or maintain that fitness.

    I'm th biggest person there, but no-one points and jeers because we're all there for the same reason!!

    Goood Luck!!!!!! :)<3 x
  • femmefae
    femmefae Posts: 65 Member
    I understand what you mean by intimidating looks, but for the most part, everybody in the weight room is there to LIFT. You can't be worried about what everybody else is doing or maybe looking at you.
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    It can be difficult but try not to even think about those people at the gym. Everyone starts at day one. Those pros in the gym were beginners once too.

    That being said, there are so many things that can become a gym for you. I have been wanting to cancel my membership for a while now but so busy in 'life' that I forget until I see my monthly charge on my bank statement. I haven't been to the gym in over a year. I went out last weekend and did a walk/jog, found some large tires in my old highschool track and flipped them, ran up and down the bleachers there too. Then I went for a swim at my friends apartment. Later that day I went to Golf N Stuff with my husband and kids and that is a great calorie burn too. Obviously that is all more cardio and you want to do weights but there are things out there (resistence bands for example) that you can use in place of an expensive membership fee.
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    You probably care a lot more than they do. Don't sweat it!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    I want cardio and weights. I am currently trying to do other things. I play softball twice a week, linedance for at least an hour once a week. I am getting active with other stuff. I just cannot stay motivated. I think if I was paying, it would push me to go and I think I know better what to do inside the gym than out. does that make sense?
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    You probably care a lot more than they do. Don't sweat it!

    It used to not bother me at all. I think that is part of the problem. I know this is mental. Its just hard.
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    I always think that if I am paying for a gym membership, then I will use it. But the reality is, I dont. And my boyfriend gets so annoyed with me when I join a gym and pay for it and then never use it - I really am just throwing money away. That being said, I also have access to a free gym on the military base I am stationed at, so I dont really need to pay for another gym - I just think other gyms are nicer ;)

    I think what it comes down is whether you will actually use it if you are paying for it. Some people are really gung-ho about "i'm paying so I better go." For me, everything else in my life is more important, and to be honest, its much easier and more convenient to work out at my free gym at work ;)

    Definitely dont be intimidated by everyone else working out. Honestly, everyone else is so busy doing their own thing they probably wont notice you. I used to be so intimidated, and I remember what time someone came up to me and I was absolutely horrifed because I didnt know what they were going to say - and all they wanted to do was correct my form so I didnt get hurt! They definitely werent making fun of me, thats for sure. Really, everyone is there to get in shape and stay healthy. When I am at the gym I hardly notice anyone else. :)
  • artlesslife
    artlesslife Posts: 4 Member
    you really just have to find a reason to go and just make yourself go even when you dont want to.. theres a quote "successful people do what they have to do wether they feel like it or not"
  • leeann788
    leeann788 Posts: 72 Member
    I lift and do cardio all from the comfort of my own home!! I have no desire right now to be in a gym, I'll add you and maybe we can motivate each other!!
  • Mychefcat
    Mychefcat Posts: 5
    When faced with intimidating looks, try forming an alliance. Talk to them. Ask a question. Ask them to check your form on a deadlift. Ask them what time the place opens on Sunday. Ask them what whey they like. Dream up something just to connect with them. Doesn't have to be meaningful, intelligent, witty, or whatever. Even a small connection humanizes you to each other. Their looks will no longer be intimidating.

    I recently stayed at a hotel that had interesting phrases painted on the walls. One was:" People are strange. When you're a stranger. Go say hi."