HIIT Phase 1

So I started the HIIT yesterday and so far, I'm impressed. In the same amount of time as non-HIIT, I burned at least 20 more calories, but didn't feel worn out by it.

Phase 1: 15 seconds of full-out cardio on an elliptical followed by 60 seconds of normal exercise pace. Rinse and repeat for 17 minutes (building from 15 mins to 25 mins).

I actually felt energized when I moved to free weights. So far? So good.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    If you're not exhausted after HIIT, then you're doing it wrong. It should leave you dead tired and dripping with sweat at the end. The elliptical is not ideal for HIIT in my opinion. If you're going to do HIIT in the gym, then use the stationary bike and use Layne Norton's 15 minute HIIT workout. Also, I'd suggest doing your HIIT after you lift so you have all of your energy for lifting, plus cardio after lifting shows increased fat oxidation.
  • KY2022runner
    KY2022runner Posts: 72 Member
    I think you can do it fine on an elliptical; I do because of past sports injuries. It can be easier on the joints than the pounding from a treadmill or pavement.

    But, if you are not exhausted after a HIIT session you need to either increase the intensity of the intervals, the duration, or both. It should be exhausting to finish and you should feel like you are pushing against that wall of fatigue up to the end.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I agree with the others, I can only do HIIT on my off weight days, or at the very least the days after I do only upper body!
  • Oh....I see.
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