low cal meals?

Just wonderin what some of you eat for meals and snacks.....today im alotted 1200 cals b.c. im not working out ......normally that wouldnt be a big deal .....im usually not hungry but the past few days i have been STARVING... i dont know what the deal is...anyway just wanted to see some of the things you guys eat that actually fills you up! thanks for the input!!!


  • amstein18
    egg beaters with chopped up fresh vegetables.. all wrapped in a small fajita! add some hot sauce for 0 calories.
  • blugoogirl
    most handy snacks I've found - alpen light cereal bars - 61kcal & walkers squares crisps - 98kcal!
  • jameskirkbride
    I like to snack on raw veg ... I don't count it though because it takes more calories to digest than it contains, but it fills you up nicely when you get hunger pangs.
    I drink a glass of water before I eat anything too, because sometimes the sigal for thirst can be confused with a hunger pang, & also I sometimes get what I think is a hunger pang with bordom, so I drink water first, leave it for 5 and if I still feel hungry I will eat some raw veg (if it is not a meal time) Brcoli is veery nice raw & so is asparagus...
  • cathyalmand
    thanks yall....someone gave me the idea of fat free sugar free pudding with milk and ice in a blender ....make urself a sHakE!!!! yum-o!!!