My short story and introduction!!!

My name is Cherie and i will be 41 tomorrow!! I weigh around 196ish... and today was the first time I actually tracked my food. Wow.... makes me sick to think I ate all that... and if i continue to eat like that, I will be up to 204.4 in 5 weeks. I lost about 30 lbs last year from stress. I even bought smaller clothes... but it all came back and then some. I have figured out I am one of the ones that has to exercise to lose any weight. So, here I am tracking my food and printing out no equipment exercises for myself. I really have no excuse.

I have made a simple change to drink more water. I try to drink at least 96 ounces of water. I am also taking Skinny Fiber. I just recently restarted taking it and I noticed a huge difference in my energy level when i stopped. So even if it doesn't help with weight loss, just the more energy is worth it to me.

So feel free to add me as a friend on here and i am also on facebook @


  • MrsVin86
    MrsVin86 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Cherie,

    I would love for you to join my fitness support group on's really just a healthy lifestyle group to help with motivation, tips and tricks, recipes, etc...anything really! If you would like to be a part of it just search for the group called "Positive Health Positive Pulse" and join me...I know it's easier to survive the challenge with good people doing it with you!