Weigh In - Naked or Clothes

i was wondering if most people here weigh themselves naked. When we go to the doctor or gym, we are clothed. I used to think my home scale was off by five pounds until I remembered that I would weigh while naked when I first got up and my doctor weigh in was late in the afternoon fully clothed.

Currently, I weigh myself in pajamas and slippers. Probably because I used to sleep in the nude but do not any longer. Getting old. LOL.

So here's a poll: Naked or Clothed


  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    I weigh in without clothes - I want to know how much "I" weigh, not how much my clothes weigh. The weight of clothing and shoes vary, so unless you are wearing the same pajamas every day, you could have fluctuations (probably not much, but some).
  • tesha30
    tesha30 Posts: 72 Member
    I weigh right before i get into the shower in the morning.. so naked totally. Wearing clothes makes a difference in your weight. so does wet hair.. so dont weigh in after taking a shower.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I get weighed in the shopping centre, on the scales you pay for one evening a week. So yes I have my clothes on, might get a few funny looks if I didnt. I just recently started taking my shoes off though.

    I do wonder if I could lose a few lb, naked in the mornings. But I always use the same scales at the same time and I don't want to own scales as I am sure I would get obsessed.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    yep yep - what they said.
    sometimes, even one's morning .... uhmmm..... toileting needs, shall we say? can make a difference. sometimes.

    Of course, I'm crazy... I'll weigh throughout the day, every day. But that's b/c of my tendency to research and I want to see how what I eat affects the daily outcomes. Currently tracking A.M. & P.M. weights every day and might do a chart to compare, see if there's a relationship - then compare that to cals.


    Maybe I should change my user ID to "nerd". HAHAHAHAHA!!!
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    Completely naked first thing in the morning after I go potty! lol : ) It's the only way I weigh in. As long as I see a difference when I weigh the same way the next time, I know that wearing jeans vs. shorts or something isn't contributing to my gain or loss. Good luck!
  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    I weigh in after going to the loo as soon as I get up. after I have worked out and had my 2 pints of water(whilst working out) i always weigh more soooooo first thing makes me feel better :)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Naked, in the mornings after I get up and use the potty! (^_^)
  • Ready4Changes
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    I weigh every morning after using the bathroom in a t-shirt and underwear...and that's the weight I record. But I'm obsessed with stepping on the scale and weighing myself several times through out the day.

    When I went to Weight Watchers several years ago I would wear the same outfit and shoes to every meeting. I started going in the summer so I wore shorts, a t-shirt and Keds without socks to every meeting; even in the winter months. The meeting location was only a couple blocks from my house so once, when it snowed, I even walked to the meeting in my shorts, t-shirt and Keds. I did wear a heavy, long coat though--and I live in the south so it was only a few inches of snow. :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I'm definitely ocd when it comes to somethings but the only thing about weighing is I like to be sure I'm using the same scale. SO I use the one at the gym each time and compare it to the one at my Docs office which strangely is the same weight. So that makes it simple. I don't like to give the scale too much power.

    I don't weigh very often if I did I'd drive myself insane. lol Sometimes i jump on for fun to see if something might have happened. I know what I'm eating and how my clothes feel, I typically go by that.

    But everyone of us is different in regards to that scale.:laugh: :laugh:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I weigh every morning after using the bathroom in a t-shirt and underwear...and that's the weight I record. But I'm obsessed with stepping on the scale and weighing myself several times through out the day.

    When I went to Weight Watchers several years ago I would wear the same outfit and shoes to every meeting. I started going in the summer so I wore shorts, a t-shirt and Keds without socks to every meeting; even in the winter months. The meeting location was only a couple blocks from my house so once, when it snowed, I even walked to the meeting in my shorts, t-shirt and Keds. I did wear a heavy, long coat though--and I live in the south so it was only a few inches of snow. :)
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Completely naked first thing in the morning after I go potty! lol : ) It's the only way I weigh in. As long as I see a difference when I weigh the same way the next time, I know that wearing jeans vs. shorts or something isn't contributing to my gain or loss. Good luck!

    THIS! :D
  • Hughes39
    with light weight shorts and a tank on.
  • sltoye
    sltoye Posts: 9 Member
    I'm an after potty girl too, lol. But I weigh myself in my panties.
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    Yep! First thing in the morning, after the potty, and in my b-day suit :-)
  • NineInchGirl
    NAKED BABY! Hahahaha (I have this sweater..im not kidding you, it weighs 5 lbs!! ..I weighed that thing lol i couldnt believe it!) So yeah, naked!
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    I'm naked too....
    oh wait... nm
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    yes, me too, naked first thing in the morning :happy:

    Is going potty a poo or a wee?? :laugh: if wee, then yes, I do that first thing too :smile:

    Every day ! :flowerforyou:
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Me too, after potty, minus clothes! Before shower, sometimes after shower, it depends if I forget before shower then after. I think potty is wee. What a goofy discusion huh?? Leave it to people who need to lose weight to have this discusion:blushing:
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Naked too, early in the morning. If I go to the doctor in the afternoon, I will weight at home with clothes and without shoes, and there is about 2lbs difference between my scale and my doctor's scale; and her office is only 10 minutes from my house.

    I like my scale better, for obvious reasons.