drinking water

For the past few month I have been trying to make sure I drink 80 to 100oz of water a day. I have been noticing the more I drink the worse my throat hurts and is itchy does any one know why this is happening?


  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    High chlorine content possible? Do you filter the water you drink?
  • fromtheghetto
    ya try filtered water...
  • kellywa1179
    kellywa1179 Posts: 24 Member
    I agree, if you're drinking from the tap, try bottled water, or get a Brita pitcher and filter the water, or one that attaches to your faucet and see if it makes a difference.
  • amorales5931
    If it's related to the water, it could be that you're hydrating very well and your sinuses are clearing. That drip irritates the throat. If it continues, I'd go see a doc though in case it's actually not related to the water.

    Filtered water is best - use a brita or pur or something, if you're not.
  • berry83sweet
    berry83sweet Posts: 44 Member
    Some bottled water has stuff added to it. Dasani bugs my moms throat exactly like you describe. Lots of added minerals. Make sure you read the label close. Even on bottled water.
  • JenniferMontenegro
    I am drinking filtered water and it didn't start till I started making sure I was drinking nothing but water and making sure I was drinking 80 to 100 oz a day. It's like I feel thirsty all the time but my throat is itchy and sore.
  • sakuragreenlily
    sakuragreenlily Posts: 334 Member
    I'd try filtering but correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation... you might just be getting sick.
  • Tuesday20
    Tuesday20 Posts: 93 Member
    I bought my first brita filter 3 days ago and WOW what a difference it makes!! Last week I was dininking loads of tea, because I couldnt stand the taste of tap water (it made my throat dry!) I have drunk at least 5 cups of filtered water a day since buying the brita filter, and I feel so much better for it! £10 definitely well spent :D x
  • Brujah1981
    Brujah1981 Posts: 23 Member
    I honestly have the same issue. Personally I like to think that my body is crazy dehydrated and just isn't used to the water, so when you drink it goes into "OMG I NEED WATER" overdrive. Even today I rarely drink more than 1 or 2 glasses of water a day (Shame on me I know). I've found that I avoid the irritation that way, and it's not like I'm tired or having issues with my workouts.
  • dreamer4
    dreamer4 Posts: 27
    Can I ask if you are having any other symptoms?
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    There's no need to drown yourself to be well hydrated.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    Clean water is not going to hurt your body and make your throat sore. I have never heard of this and have been around hundreds of people who drink very large amounts of water (singers).

    Is it possible that you decided to start drinking more water because you started feeling more thirsty than usual? Feeling thirsty can be a symptom. You might want to see a doctor just to be sure.
  • JenniferMontenegro
    no I don't really feel any different I have noticed slight headaches everyday but that's it.
  • dreamer4
    dreamer4 Posts: 27
    Anyways, besides sinus issues, another thing could be reflex (GERD) from overloading your stomach and forcing the DES open. Also, you only need 64 oz of fluids a day. Anything more than that will put you at risk for water intoxication (which can be deadly). I would suggest next time you are at the doctors having them give your electrolytes a check to make sure you aren't too diluted. All my dumb facts for the day. ;-P
  • JenniferMontenegro
    I decided to start drinking more water because I knew I wasn't drinking enough and I read that you are suppose to drink 80 to 100 oz a day. Like said I have been doing this for a few months and with in the first week of starting is when I noticed my throat feeling.
  • NormityNOR
    NormityNOR Posts: 6 Member
    Drink pepsi instead.
  • dreamer4
    dreamer4 Posts: 27
    You are drinking too much water. Headaches with those symptoms needs looked at. Muscle cramps? Hyponatremia. Google the symptoms and water intoxication. might only be slight. I bet if you back off the water both will go away. Other thing is low blood sugars can cause both thirst and headaches. Good luck!
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    I agree, if you're drinking from the tap, try bottled water, or get a Brita pitcher and filter the water, or one that attaches to your faucet and see if it makes a difference.

    I agree with the Brita Attachment, which is what I have. I allow the water to run until it is HOT, then I fill my pitcher and put it in my freezer to cool. This way it tastes exactly like filtered bottled water.
  • JenniferMontenegro
    Okay I will back off the water and see if that helps and I will Google it. I haven't been to a Doctor in 5 years so maybe it time to go. Thanks for all of the feed back!
  • elvensnow
    elvensnow Posts: 154 Member
    Maybe you're just getting sick? Sounds like typical cold/sore throat symptoms to me. May be reading too much into it.
