Newbie with Type 2 Diabetes


I'm new to myfitnesspal, just signed up. I'm 27, female, and I currently live/study in Chicago, IL.

I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. My diagnosis has motivated me to finally work on losing weight. I'm also considering doing Lap Band surgery as I have a lot of weight to lose (114 pounds), so if anyone else on the board has experience with Lap Band, feel free to holler!


  • ricomincia
    ricomincia Posts: 229 Member
    Same for me. Was diagnosed a few years back. It's kept in track by medication but just want to get fitter to give my body a better chance. Really don't want to slip into having to have insulin injections. :(

    Feel free to add me as a friend.... I'm fairly active on MFP.
  • videonasties
    I'm sorry you were diagnosed as well. And yeah, I'm currently taking Metformin to control my diabetes, and I really don't want to have to take insulin injections.

    I'll add you :)
  • CindyC60
    CindyC60 Posts: 30
    Hi. The important thing is that you have decided to take positive steps to improve your health and lower your weight.

    I can't recommend a lap band, as I know too many people that had constant complications and digestive issues with them.

    Instead, I would recommend trying to eat as clean as possible -- in other words, try to avoid processed foods that have chemical additives, as many people tend to have a sensitivity to some of those chemicals that cause them to hold onto weight.

    Also, you might want to talk to your doctor about what kind of exercise program would be best.

    And remember, taking small steps towards better health every day will give you the results you want!
  • videonasties
    Hi Cindy,

    Thanks for your input and advice. It seems like a lot of people recently have been warning me against the Lap-Band, I'll have to take that into account.
  • samijdkl
    samijdkl Posts: 35 Member
    good luck with your weight loss i too have t2 diabetes and have 100lbs to lose
  • videonasties
    Thanks :) it's nice to know that others are out there. Good luck on your journey!