almost 6 weeks and no weight loss?.. why?

I've been going to the gym 6 weeks now, about 4days a week. even worked my way up to jogging, from just walking. I spend about 60-90mins doing cardio. then I do the 30min weight circuit at planet fitness. Just recently started walking/jogging outside at a fitness trail, and that is such a difference from the gym workouts.
I avoided the scale, until yesterday. and I was surprised to see i haven't lost anything... even though my body has been so sore. I was sure I've lost at least 10lbs. My eating habits have changed as well. I've cut down on eating out and trying to eat smaller portions at home. yes i still eat pizza and go out to restaurants but I just make more conscious decisions. instead of 2 or 3 slices I'll eat only one w/salad. So I'm not sure what kind of advice you could give me to help me? I'm pretty bummed about not loosing anything yet.


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It could really help it you open up your diary for us. Weight loss is all about calories in vs. calories burned and you don't tell us how many calories you're eating.
  • I've been going to the gym 6 weeks now, about 4days a week. even worked my way up to jogging, from just walking. I spend about 60-90mins doing cardio. then I do the 30min weight circuit at planet fitness. Just recently started walking/jogging outside at a fitness trail, and that is such a difference from the gym workouts.
    I avoided the scale, until yesterday. and I was surprised to see i haven't lost anything... even though my body has been so sore. I was sure I've lost at least 10lbs. My eating habits have changed as well. I've cut down on eating out and trying to eat smaller portions at home. yes i still eat pizza and go out to restaurants but I just make more conscious decisions. instead of 2 or 3 slices I'll eat only one w/salad. So I'm not sure what kind of advice you could give me to help me? I'm pretty bummed about not loosing anything yet.

    First off Great job keeping up with fitness! That is a problem alot of people struggle with and your are doing an amazing job pushing yourself.

    But if you break down weight loss into two different categories diet and exercise, Diet accounts for over 50%. Try reading this article for some more insight to the importance of diet....
  • sire137
    sire137 Posts: 41
    how do your cloths feel? if they are fitting better, your probably trading fat for muscle. keep it up! We'll see ourselves bigger than we are in the mirror, and the scale is an evil *kitten*. but our cloths will tell us the truth!
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    I've been going to the gym 6 weeks now, about 4days a week. even worked my way up to jogging, from just walking. I spend about 60-90mins doing cardio. then I do the 30min weight circuit at planet fitness. Just recently started walking/jogging outside at a fitness trail, and that is such a difference from the gym workouts.
    I avoided the scale, until yesterday. and I was surprised to see i haven't lost anything... even though my body has been so sore. I was sure I've lost at least 10lbs. My eating habits have changed as well. I've cut down on eating out and trying to eat smaller portions at home. yes i still eat pizza and go out to restaurants but I just make more conscious decisions. instead of 2 or 3 slices I'll eat only one w/salad. So I'm not sure what kind of advice you could give me to help me? I'm pretty bummed about not loosing anything yet.

    You need to make sure you track everything that goes into your mouth. Sounds like youre eating at maintenance which I have no idea since we do not know your height; weight, age, etc.

    Stop eating as much
  • kenzie0884
    kenzie0884 Posts: 66 Member
    There are two options that I can think of. It's either what you are eating, or that you are gaining muscle. If you make your diary public, you will get a lot more answers. No one is going to attack you for wanting to eat pizza, but it's the only way for anyone to help you. If you want to keep it private, that's fine, but I don't see how anyone can help if they can't eliminate at least one of the two options.
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    What # of calories does MFP have you at and are you sticking to that or are you eating back your exercise calories? (If you are then stop doing that and see if you lose). Some believe in eating them back but I don't. Some people can eat their exercise calories back and lose and some can't (me). Maybe you are one of the unfortunate ones like me that can't. Maybe you are eating too much salt or carbs or sugar. Not sure since we don't know what you eat for sure. Your work outs sound great for you though!!!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Exercise will make you look great and be healthy, but it doesn't help you lose weight. That's about eating.

    Once you do lose the weight you want, the exercise is also important in maintaining it.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    As others have stated, you have to track everything you eat. I would bet you are eating more than you think.

    One thing that I think happens when they come to a place like MFP is that people come here while they are gaining weight because they want to lose weight. Therefore, the calories you were taking in before you started MFP, was probably much higher than your maintenance calories should be. Now you are cutting back, but unless you are tracking it all, you still could be eating to much. How many calories per day are you trying to stay below?

    All this is just a possibility as it does seem odd that you have been working out that hard and for that long without any results.
  • Becca1637
    Becca1637 Posts: 38 Member
    Don't go by the scale if you are working out. Muscle weighs more than fat. Do your measurements and check them monthly and see how your clothes fit. That will be the true test. Good luck.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Don't go by the scale if you are working out. Muscle weighs more than fat. Do your measurements and check them monthly and see how your clothes fit. That will be the true test. Good luck.

    Muscle doesn't weight more than fat. It's just more dense . A lb is a lb. Just a technicality I know, but still :)
  • whiteberry17
    whiteberry17 Posts: 124
    Make sure your not over eating,
    but Thats really weird you should of lost SOME WEIGHT
  • Rthomas826
    Rthomas826 Posts: 14
    I did make it public, I just started today. So there might not be much on there yet. I'm 23, 5' 3" and 264
  • JessicaZen
    JessicaZen Posts: 149 Member
    with your diary being private it is kinda hard to tell but if you are eating back too many of your workout cals you won't lose and you might actually gain.
  • Rthomas826
    Rthomas826 Posts: 14
    It is set to viewable by everyone.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    It is set to viewable by everyone.

    Still not viewable from my end.
  • It is set to viewable by everyone.

    The important thing so to watch what you eat, and log it. That way you can learn what your eating habits are and also learn what you can do to correct them.
  • Rthomas826
    Rthomas826 Posts: 14
    Just figured it out! sorry! but now my DIARY is view able.
  • Rthomas826
    Rthomas826 Posts: 14
    I do feel my muscles are gaining strength :) and I can do more distance on the treadmill than I first started because now I'm doing intervals of jogging and speed walking.
  • If I were you, I would drop the carbs down a little and get more protein. That's what works for me anyway! I aim to keep carbs under 100 grams a day, and completely avoid any white processed grains. I snack on eggs, beef jerky, cheese and nuts to get the protein up.

    I'm also the type that will think "but I've been eating so clean!" until I start tracking again and find out where I'm falling behind.

    Also, working out doesn't actually make you lose weight. It's great for your health and metabolism and gives you a better figure, but don't expect to only work out and start dropping weight.
  • i started to do the same and after some research I have discrovered that there is a such thing as working out for nothing. You have to work out and maintain 55-70% of your target heart rate while you work out in order to see results the best way to monitor this is with a heart rate monitor watch. you can get them at walmart.