how long before you see a differnce?

ok, this is kindof a poor me posting, but really would like to know how much do you need to lose before others and you notice that you lost weight??
i started this in nov, and had health problems and fell off track, but end of may i was 255 and now i am 231, so 24 pounds, i notice my pants fitting loser, and my stomach a little smaller, but thats about it. others that have lost weight around my weight when did you see a difference? and when do others see it... not that i need a pat on the back from others, i just want to know that my scale isn't broken or something . j/k it actually kind of makes me a little angry that no one sees it, and makes me want to work harder to lose enough to see a big difference.


  • Becca1637
    Becca1637 Posts: 38 Member
    If you lost 24 pounds and you are wearing the same clothes people probably won't notice it because your clothes are now bigger so the "slimmer" you is hiding under the clothes. I had that problem a few years ago when I lost 30 lbs. I didn't buy new clothes til I was close to the 30 lb mark and nobody said a thing..until I started wearing those new better fitted outfits. Then, they couldnt stop commenting. :)
  • EyeOTS
    EyeOTS Posts: 362 Member
    I had the same thing happen. It took me losing about 50 pounds and new clothes before the compliments/comments started flowing.
    I *felt* a whole lot better after only 8 pounds lost tho.
  • oct0pus
    oct0pus Posts: 9
    I lost about 20-30 pounds when people started noticing (probably because my face got A LOT more thin.)
    I still don't really see the difference in myself and i've lost over 100 pounds all together.

    congrats on your weight loss girl! <3
  • Iknewyouweretrouble
    Iknewyouweretrouble Posts: 561 Member
    Because I wasn't that big to begin with, people noticed right away. I think there is a "range" of weight that people will NOT notice a change. A "range" of healthy like the height and weight charts say. I think it's important to support yourself even if no one is supporting you with their compliments. Any change is a great change and it DOES NOT need to be drastic. ESPECIALLY when it comes to health and fixing health problems <3 You can do this!! Pat yourself on the back for all the changes you are making!
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    It really depends on the people... with some folks, you could wear nothing but a kilt and set your head on fire, and when you passed them, they would be like "S'up?".
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I think it partially depends if you are "pear" or "apple" shape. I'm a pear. I look pretty much the same from 120 - 140. What it means is I lose (and gain) everywhere so it's not as noticeable. Hang in there. You'll see it.
  • Chickaboo2014
    Chickaboo2014 Posts: 136 Member
    I think it partially depends if you are "pear" or "apple" shape. I'm a pear. I look pretty much the same from 120 - 140. What it means is I lose (and gain) everywhere so it's not as noticeable. Hang in there. You'll see it.

    This is how it is with me as well. I'm 5'4" and now weigh 133. In January I weighed 163. I saw my dental hygienist last week and she asked me what I had been up to for the past 6 months. I told her I lost 30 pounds and she couldn't believe it. "Impossible!" she said, "you didn't have that much to lose". Well, trust me, I did! I was wearing clothes that fit well in January and last week so, the fit of the clothes wasn't the reason. I carry my weight well; even when there is too much of it. However, my dental hygienist never saw me with shorts on or naked so I guess I'm thankful that perhaps not everyone thought I was a fatty but me. But DAMN! How can people not tell by our faces that we've lost weight? You see the change there so quickly it seems.
    Anyway, that's my experience. Good luck and hang in there! You'll show them!