Being teased for losing weight?

SayRah Posts: 104
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I need some insight on this, as my friends are making me really frustrated at the moment. I'm in college and most of my friends eat really badly (like any college kid does) but I'm the odd one out who eats salads, veggies, whole wheat sandwiches, etc. One of my friends in particular will tease me about it and make a huge deal about how 'healthy' I am eating. Also, if I say that I'm going for a run or I'm going to the gym, I'll get a weird look and a remark like 'But you're not a runner, so why are you running??' Basically, most anything I do that has anything to do with losing weight, I get teased for it.

I'm really self conscious about my weight but I'm more self conscious about people knowing that I'm trying to lose weight. I don't know why I am, I feel like there's some sort of 'weakness' about it because in order to say that you want to lose weight, you have to admit you're overweight in the first place. And I'm the fattest of my friends (I'm not just saying that. Pretty much all my friends are anywhere from 110 lbs - 117 lbs. And me, I'm 153 lbs :ohwell: ) so I feel even more insecure about it. I'm even kind of afraid of losing weight because I'm afraid they'll comment on how much weight I've lost :grumble: I know that this sounds really weird, but I swear I'm not crazy and horribly insecure :laugh:

Anyway, has anyone else been teased be a friend or family for losing weight? It's really difficult because pretty much none of my friends can relate to what I'm going through.


  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    As hard a this may be to do the best thing for you to do is to either not react to what they are saying (choice number one), or reply with a "Yep". They want you to take the bait don't do it. At your current weight you can get control before it gets really bad you should be proud of what you are doing and hold your head high regardless of their juvenile behavior.

    A story for you: I was always overweight - in high school I went through some of the same stuff you are enduring right now. Two months ago I went to my 30 year reunion, looking fit and healthly. Guess who all the "jocks" were talking to and following around? it wasn't the cheerleaders or popular girls, I'll tell you that... : )
  • SayRah,
    First off being 153lbs does not make you a cast off. It's great that you are starting healthy habits at a young age. I have dealt with weight issues my whole LIFE and have lost weight and gained weight many times and though it felt good to lose weight there were always a few of my friends that would act like they could no longer associate with me. I would get the "Ur so skinny, God ur such a *itch" comments. While meant in a good hearted manner they got old quickly.

    What I can suggest is you r at a crossroads and maybe the people you hang with aren't really the one's who appreciate your friendship and appreciate you as a person. Remember you only have one life but u can always make new friends and while that can b a scary thought sometimes u gotta do what is best for u!!!!!!!
  • also unless your only 4'9..153 is not that big..I was also one of those girls who weighed 145 to 150 in high school with friends who weighed 110-120. I also thought i was fat! I look back now & think OMG what was I thinking..I would love to be that "fat"
    Hang in there & let me saw what they want..It's only because you are making them feel uncomfortable..So keep it up!!
  • I know exactly what you are saying believe me! I have a good friend with a metabolism faster than anything Ive ever seen she can eat and eat all day long every junk you can imagine and never gain a pound. Everytime i make a healthy choice she tries to talk me out of it.. She saw a picture from my vacation where I looked thin and she said she was gonna have to "fatten me up" when I got home.

    I think it just comes down to the idea that people are uncomfortable with change in any form, whether its positive or not.

    I have had the same feelings as people have complimented my weightloss so far. My mind kind of sees it as "oh they notice I have lost weight, which means they know I needed to lose weight" I know it sounds crazy but I think subconsciously I have felt as though the fact that I was over weight was a secret from the world.. Idk if you can relate but that has been a real struggle for me, but coming to terms with the fact that weight is impossible to hide, and that I just can't be one of those people who get to eat whatever and be a size 0 has really helped me along the journey!

    I hope that helps, or at the very least makes sense.. Im so tired! haha
  • Oh my gosh I know exactly what you are talking about! I get tired of my friends (who are all skinny mind you) teasing me about losing weight. They get on me about eating differently, not going out and partying and exercising. It drives me insane. The worst part is someone telling me how didn't look like I needed to lose weight and how I shouldn't try to look like everyone else. It was ridiculous and made me feel humiliated. So I had to sit them down and explain to them that I didn't harp on them for the things they did or didn't do, and the reasons they had for doing them (or not doing them) but that if they loved me and were true friends of mine, they would respect me for who I am, respect what I am doing and drop it. Then I explained a little more about what I'm doing (trying to get healthy, not skinny) and why (to boost self esteem, to become more healthier, and to be able to be proud of what I look like). That talk helped make them realize that it was important to me and so they quit. Some even joined me! I did have one friend who tried to keep hassling me about it but I just keep my distance and all is well.
    People think college is the time to let loose and go crazy when that can only lead you to bad times and trouble. The whole freshmen 15 shouldn't be a norm and shouldn't be ok. So I commend you for keeping on despite what your friends say. If they are your true friends, they will back off and give only encouragement :) Good luck hun and keep on!!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Recently I began riding my bike everywhere that I go. It's my only form of transportation now, other than walking. I'm trying to get in better health and my problem most frequently is getting enough calories so that I meet my daily minimums. At least, more often than worrying about getting too many calories. So last night when I was out with a friend I was inputting some information in my phone app for MFP and my buddy gave me a funny look. I told him that I was counting my calories and before I could even tell him why he exclaimed "WHAT?! Why are you worrying about that stuff!" Even after I explained to him that I was having a hard time getting enough calories and that it was in an attempt to intake more calories so that my body doesn't deteriorate he still gave me an odd look.

    But I really could care less because I enjoy feeling healthier than I did before. In the past few months I've made some pretty significant changes to my life (changed my diet entirely, quit smoking, became active), but thankfully I live in a town where that stuff seems to be pretty encouraged. Even my friend who momentarily teased me last night was, at the same time, very encouraging of my choice to become a cyclist. Fortunately it's not something that anyone here is going to hassle me about too much, but still, it happens.
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    I know this isn't an easy thing to do either but the next time one of them give you a hard time about eating healthy of exercising, what if you said something like: "You guys this is really hard for me(lossing weight) and I could really use your support and encouragement, so unless you want to help me by encouraging me, please don't give me a hard time about this because it's hard enough to do this by myself." ?? Just an idea. Chances are they are jealous and may want to see you fail so they feel better, I know it sounds weird but unfortunately it is "human nature":flowerforyou: Good luck to you! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Be proud of YOURSELF!!!!
  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    As long as your not in their face about it, and it doesn't sound like you are, maybe some day you will be an inspiration to them. In college, I could eat anything. Now, when I look at anything, the weight goes on. It is the habits of friends in college that I think of when I want to be in shape.

    And today, at 47, and people notice I am cycling and losing weight, I get teased. Today, at a wedding reception, I turned down a piece of pie, and was given a few looks by people heavier than I am. And, others tease me that there is better things to do. I tend to disagree.

    My daughter is now in college. She put on the freshman 10. Now, this year she is looking at her eating habits and walking away from the cookies. It is a life choice. Enjoy your runs. Enjoy your salads. And, in a few years, they will be doing it because their eating habits are terrible and their waist is getting a bit bigger.

    Keep at it.
  • Don't feel bad hun. I'm in the same boat. Our friends get used to seeing us a certain way so when we change it's a shock to their system as well as our own. All that bad eating their doing will catch up to them [trust me I've seen it.] You know what's best for you and i trust that you're intelligent enough to make the best decisions. Screw what anyone else has to say
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