Lost 100+, trying to stay motivated

EyeOTS Posts: 362 Member
Hi, just joined MFP today. In the last 290 days, I lost 106 pounds. Now, the weight is not coming off nearly as quickly and I'm just trying to keep on the right track. I'm looking for people to inspire/encourage me to get rid of the remaining stubborn pounds.

I know the last pounds aren't going to be as easy and that I'm going to have to work harder. Well... At least, I *tell* myself I'm prepared to accept lower results for more work and I *hope* I am.


  • ArgentumAu
    Congratulations, that's some impressive weight loss :) Yes unfortunately it gets harder to lose more weight as you progress but you must have it in your mind that this is a lifestyle and that persistence and healthy eating/exercising habits really do pay off.

    Ensure your goals are at the very least achievable and realistic. Even if you don't reach them, be proud of your progress so far and positive attitude... You can do it!