Binging on Cheat Days



  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Instead of a cheat day... how about a 2 hour cheat window, once a week or so. U can only eat so much in 2 hours.
  • jaina08
    jaina08 Posts: 561 Member
    This is terrible. Today wasn't even suppose to be my cheat day since I had a terrible one the other night like as I told you all before. I had a good healthy day today and ended up eating 1 piece of lumpia just to satisfy myself and ended up eating 4 more..... I am so frustrated right now... How can I stop this even if I tried to treat myself with just 1???? and it all became a bad day again...
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I don't have cheat days, cheat meals, cheat anything. If I can't work the food into my daily plan, I don't eat it.
    Sure I have days (like today) when I am over and not working it to try to burn some of it off, but those days are few and far between.

    If cheat days cause you to binge...DUH...don't have them. Plan your meals in advance so you know before the day starts where you stand. Could you have done some work out to burn the excess off?

    Tomorrow's a new day, don't beat yourself up over today, it's not going to do you any good. Realize what foods are red light or trigger foods for you, perhaps take one and put the rest away. Have one and leave the kitchen or table so the temptation isn't there.

    Good luck tomorrow, hopefully you can get back on track.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    Every time I have a cheat day I binge like crazy. I end up regretting it soooo much. Will this affect my weight loss? Sometimes I end up having two binging cheat days in a row... It just makes me upset... It's such a bad habit. How do you guys eat on your cheat days? I just had one today and I feel so bad about it...

    I think you should stop having cheat days. It sounds like it's doing much more harm than good.

    Is there a reason you can't fit foods you enjoy eating into your current calorie and macronutrient goals?

    Yeah I think I really should stop having cheat days. It seriously ruins everything making me go overboard. So are you saying that instead of having cheat days I can just add chocolate for example into my diary as long as it fits my calorie limit and macros?

    Every night before I go to bed, I eat a little almond and chocolate bar. It is worth 80 calories along with my instant coffee drink. It is the first thing I enter in my food log for the day. I plan my food for the day in the morning.

    Last week I entered in one portion of cheesecake at teatime for two of the days (not in a row)

    The rest of the time I eat very healthily = fruit, veg, meat, whole eggs, cheese, yoghurt, nuts, seeds, oats etc,
    I drink my water.
    I am never hungry.
    Edit to say I do not have cheat days.


    1st GOAL: 100kg (6JUN13)
    13.2kg lost / 22.2kg to go
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    As others have stated, I also don't have "cheat days" it just seems like I take all my hard work over the week, and flush it down the toilet. I just add certain foods into my diet that I would consider a cheat food. If I want a chocolate bar, I'll have one. Same with any other kind of junk food. As long as it's within my calorie allowance (after exercise cals have been added on) it's not going to negatively effect my weight loss. IT beats spending a whole day eating junk food just for sake of having a "cheat day"
  • PauliePCC
    PauliePCC Posts: 32 Member
    as other had stated, you can simply fit in a cheat meal, or something less than ideal into your daily diet. As long as it's within the realms of your caloric goals, you should be fine. I do have a similar problem with cheat days as well, but they are getting better..
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Your calories are too low. Your body is now in full out rebellion. And you are not binging, you are in survival mode. Try a goal of half a pound a week, this should give you 250-500 more calories a day. As for the lumpia nothing wrong with the 4 pieces if they were the ones that are 160 cals for pieces. Might be a bit of a problem if they were a higher calorie version. This is for future reference. I find it helpful to put away my food after I get the portions that fit my goal for the day. I am too lazy to go back for more.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    I don't do cheat days
    I don't deprive myself an d binge
    I eat what I want and have self control and exercise it off and stay under cals
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    Every time I have a cheat day I binge like crazy. I end up regretting it soooo much. Will this affect my weight loss? Sometimes I end up having two binging cheat days in a row... It just makes me upset... It's such a bad habit. How do you guys eat on your cheat days? I just had one today and I feel so bad about it...

    I think 1 cheat meal once a week won't hurt but I wouldn't cheat for the whole day. You could do what I do, about once a month I have a cheat day which coincidently was today. I the bad stuff I ate was pizza and ice cream, I ate a lot of other stuff too but it wasn't bad stuff I just probably ate to much of it. My reasoning that 1 cheat day per month is not as bad is because people usually lose about 1-2 Lbs per week and you can gain a pound or more in 1 day from bad eating so it's pretty damaging to your workout but once a month won't really hurt and it helps to give yourself a release and remind yourself why you don't eat this stuff.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I don't really have cheat days. I have had a few days that I've gone over in calories, but for the most part I keep it under. I don't deprive myself of any food...I just watch my calories.
  • nicolaturner1986
    nicolaturner1986 Posts: 45 Member
    I used to be like this but my weight loss slowed right down then stopped and then everyday became a cheat day for me, that was a few weeks ago when I was on Slimming World before I joined this site and took the low cal seriously.

    A cheat day for me now is usually 1 naughty meal or super indulgent snack a week (like a chicken korma with Naan bread or a ben and jerry's sundae from the cinema...mmm) which I don't even attempt to count my calories and its usually on weigh in day so I have a week to work it off

  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I cheat on binge days.
    Please don't tell my wife.
  • suibhne
    suibhne Posts: 17
    Personally, I hate the idea of "cheat days". I figure the point of monitoring my daily calories is 1) self-knowledge, and 2) maintaining an overall weekly average. I don't experience any anxiety if I'm a few hundred calories over on a given day, so I'm fine with individual meals that end up being higher-calorie than I intended, and I still lose weight steadily in the end.

    I don't want to impose my approach on anyone else. I know that everyone has a different relationship to food and weight loss. On the other end, I don't get the whole concept of "cheat days", especially because they seem to express the view that our weight loss process is something inflexible and authoritarian that has to be "cheated on", like a calculus test. I sometimes wonder if people feel a need for "cheat days" because they're underfeeding themselves in the first place. I would encourage you to set up an overall food system for yourself that feels satisfying on a day-to-day basis (while preserving enough flexibility to have meals you really want without feeling like you've "broken" the system you set up for yourself).
  • lindsw28
    lindsw28 Posts: 16
    This is terrible. Today wasn't even suppose to be my cheat day since I had a terrible one the other night like as I told you all before. I had a good healthy day today and ended up eating 1 piece of lumpia just to satisfy myself and ended up eating 4 more..... I am so frustrated right now... How can I stop this even if I tried to treat myself with just 1???? and it all became a bad day again...

    I completely understand this because one treat would make me think ''well, I already messed up, I might as well keep eating whatever I want''. Id end up having a huge binge and hating myself for it afterward. Somebody explained it to me like this once and it really made sense: If you dropped your cell phone, would you stand there and stomp on it until it was completely broken, just because ''I already dropped it, I might as well smash it to bits''?? No way! Don't do the same thing with your day. Allow the foods you want/crave, just work them into your daily calorie goals. It will get easier with time, you can do it!