Does anyone here meditate?

Cutting4life Posts: 505 Member
What's ur routine? What was the hardest part when you began and how did you overcome it?


  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    What's ur routine? What was the hardest part when you began and how did you overcome it?

    I have a morning routine that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.
  • Cutting4life
    Cutting4life Posts: 505 Member
    lol brb using imagination since no pics
  • JovanValor
    JovanValor Posts: 2,114 Member
    Damn i love meditating, thats true peace right there. anyways heres what i suggest; look into "Sun gazing" . it is just what it states but theres a couple things to keep in mind so research it a bit, but yeah good way to start on your path to inner peace and self awareness. never thought id talk to some1 about this here, but its exciting stuff and it has unbelivable benefits. Also keep this in mind and heart. Meditating is a moment you share with your self, its not about the silence or attempt to create peace, it is about you, in a grounded state of mind, of attention Full attention & honest commitment to what you are doing, go at your pace be at your current standing, dont worrie about the imagination or random thoughts do not try to silence your mind, simply analyze it be aware of it and with time you will displine your subcouncious. damn theres so much to it but plz feel free to msg me i love sharing what ive learned and expirienced.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    lol brb using imagination since no pics

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  • Aerosam
    Aerosam Posts: 121 Member
    Meditation, hmmmmmm.

    Not sure, I might have to think about it for a long while...
  • CoozyRoo
    CoozyRoo Posts: 82 Member
    I need to try this "terminator" sounds empowering. :)
  • Cutting4life
    Cutting4life Posts: 505 Member
    Damn i love meditating, thats true peace right there. anyways heres what i suggest; look into "Sun gazing" . it is just what it states but theres a couple things to keep in mind so research it a bit, but yeah good way to start on your path to inner peace and self awareness. never thought id talk to some1 about this here, but its exciting stuff and it has unbelivable benefits. Also keep this in mind and heart. Meditating is a moment you share with your self, its not about the silence or attempt to create peace, it is about you, in a grounded state of mind, of attention Full attention & honest commitment to what you are doing, go at your pace be at your current standing, dont worrie about the imagination or random thoughts do not try to silence your mind, simply analyze it be aware of it and with time you will displine your subcouncious. damn theres so much to it but plz feel free to msg me i love sharing what ive learned and expirienced.

    good stuff! How often do you meditate?
    BITEME_GRRR Posts: 150 Member
    hahaha the terminator one was great.

    I meditate or practice mindfulness. Pick a mantra or something to do and do only that for about 3-5 min for example I will count my breath 1 -2 in - out for a few minutes focusing only on that.
    Or say something to myself like Everything is as it should be and repeating it for a few minutes trying not to think about anything except the words I am saying.
    It helps to do every day, to quiet the mind...
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
  • JovanValor
    JovanValor Posts: 2,114 Member
    Damn i love meditating, thats true peace right there. anyways heres what i suggest; look into "Sun gazing" . it is just what it states but theres a couple things to keep in mind so research it a bit, but yeah good way to start on your path to inner peace and self awareness. never thought id talk to some1 about this here, but its exciting stuff and it has unbelivable benefits. Also keep this in mind and heart. Meditating is a moment you share with your self, its not about the silence or attempt to create peace, it is about you, in a grounded state of mind, of attention Full attention & honest commitment to what you are doing, go at your pace be at your current standing, dont worrie about the imagination or random thoughts do not try to silence your mind, simply analyze it be aware of it and with time you will displine your subcouncious. damn theres so much to it but plz feel free to msg me i love sharing what ive learned and expirienced.

    good stuff! How often do you meditate?

    I meditate as needed, sometimes after working out cause ive come across studies that state testosterone can can transition to a damaging opposite reaction when under stress or negative state of mind. But yeah ive been able to graps the concept of acheiving peace at demand , i think of it as an honest moment of harmony within every aspect of the self. Like im getting into consciousness with this but it really does come down to been aware. I recommended a couple things but seriously search youtube videos as examples. not videos that teach you, perhaps more like give you tips and advice, cause remember its all about you and the the moment you honestly dedicate to yourself. For example i went to hangout with a monk for a day one day and i asked him to teach me how to meditate , and well he talked about what im telling you and he taught me domething very special witch you can try. He saud you can meditate at any moment because meditation is about been mindful(Totally aware) of what is occurring at the moment. so he said Walk with me... and so i did, He said stop, look down at your feet and know that you are walking. know that your body is taking a step, if at any moment you are to loose your focus of the step you are about to take then do not take it. Anyways i can give you so many examples its just a huge world to explore and its an adventure ull experience in a unique way :D
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Damn i love meditating, thats true peace right there. anyways heres what i suggest; look into "Sun gazing" . it is just what it states but theres a couple things to keep in mind so research it a bit, but yeah good way to start on your path to inner peace and self awareness. never thought id talk to some1 about this here, but its exciting stuff and it has unbelivable benefits. Also keep this in mind and heart. Meditating is a moment you share with your self, its not about the silence or attempt to create peace, it is about you, in a grounded state of mind, of attention Full attention & honest commitment to what you are doing, go at your pace be at your current standing, dont worrie about the imagination or random thoughts do not try to silence your mind, simply analyze it be aware of it and with time you will displine your subcouncious. damn theres so much to it but plz feel free to msg me i love sharing what ive learned and expirienced.

    good stuff! How often do you meditate?

    I meditate as needed, sometimes after working out cause ive come across studies that state testosterone can can transition to a damaging opposite reaction when under stress or negative state of mind. But yeah ive been able to graps the concept of acheiving peace at demand , i think of it as an honest moment of harmony within every aspect of the self. Like im getting into consciousness with this but it really does come down to been aware. I recommended a couple things but seriously search youtube videos as examples. not videos that teach you, perhaps more like give you tips and advice, cause remember its all about you and the the moment you honestly dedicate to yourself. For example i went to hangout with a monk for a day one day and i asked him to teach me how to meditate , and well he talked about what im telling you and he taught me domething very special witch you can try. He saud you can meditate at any moment because meditation is about been mindful(Totally aware) of what is occurring at the moment. so he said Walk with me... and so i did, He said stop, look down at your feet and know that you are walking. know that your body is taking a step, if at any moment you are to loose your focus of the step you are about to take then do not take it. Anyways i can give you so many examples its just a huge world to explore and its an adventure ull experience in a unique way :D

    Don't ever post your poverty meditation routine again bro, and by bro I mean NEVER my bro.
  • joytron
    joytron Posts: 104 Member
    About 6 weeks ago I started morning and evening meditation. 15-20 minutes a sitting. It's had a crazy-positive effect on several areas of my life, perhaps most significantly those related to my mood and my interactions with others. I feel calmer and the nicest thing is I don't have to "talk myself down", as I have in the past -- instead, more balanced responses seem to come automatically, without me having to do anything. I wasn't expecting that. I practice Sahaja yoga.
  • mmouse90
    mmouse90 Posts: 83
    I do to help with my anxiety. I tried several different ways of doing this like sitting and meditating for a set amount of time but I found it easier to start in the evening as I went to bed. I was able to relax and since it was bedtime the house was quite so less distractions. I would focus on my breath and again since the house was quite there was no TV, people talking, phones ringing, etc it allowed me to learn how to focus easier. From there I was able to mediate while sitting in traffic and then while at work with all the chaos going on around me. I tried having a mantra but that just did not work for me so I just focus on my breathing and I typically keep it to 5mins except for the evening meditation I found myself doing that for 30mins.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I used to when I was younger, but for some reason I stopped. But no I also do it to help with some depression/anxiety issues.

    I use prayer and breating (Soham Mantra).

    Really, really love it.
  • Cutting4life
    Cutting4life Posts: 505 Member
    I do to help with my anxiety. I tried several different ways of doing this like sitting and meditating for a set amount of time but I found it easier to start in the evening as I went to bed. I was able to relax and since it was bedtime the house was quite so less distractions. I would focus on my breath and again since the house was quite there was no TV, people talking, phones ringing, etc it allowed me to learn how to focus easier. From there I was able to mediate while sitting in traffic and then while at work with all the chaos going on around me. I tried having a mantra but that just did not work for me so I just focus on my breathing and I typically keep it to 5mins except for the evening meditation I found myself doing that for 30mins.

    thats awesome will try before i go to sleep.
  • Cutting4life
    Cutting4life Posts: 505 Member
    I used to when I was younger, but for some reason I stopped. But no I also do it to help with some depression/anxiety issues.

    I use prayer and breating (Soham Mantra).

    Really, really love it.

    never too late to start again :)
  • Humanovation
    Humanovation Posts: 52 Member
    Kelly Howell on my iPod ... she is absolutely the best!
  • Cutting4life
    Cutting4life Posts: 505 Member
    Kelly Howell on my iPod ... she is absolutely the best!

    cool will look her up!
  • lamaskrystal
    I meditate to help me sleep at night.
  • Cutting4life
    Cutting4life Posts: 505 Member
    I meditate to help me sleep at night.

    yes its definately helps!!