Chewing and spitting out food- help to stop!

This habit all started when I was working in a bakery, making tray bakes and cakes and I had to taste samples of them to make sure they were ok. During busy periods at work, new batches of sweet treats would be made, so more would need to be tasted, so instead of eating them, I would just taste them and spit them out because I would never usually eat that much sugar in everyday life.

However this has become a bit of a habit and I haven't been working there for months. I didn't really do it for quite a while, and then during this winter started specifically buying things to chew and spit out again. It's disgusting and wasteful and I know it can cause teeth and stomach problems, but I kept doing it anyway.

I also currently work in an icecream shop, and the constant temptation of icecream means I have been carrying out the same behaviour there (I work alone). I have been making a conscious effort to stop by bringing healthy snacks to work, and it has worked on a few occasions, I'm just really trying to break this ridiculous cycle.

I actually haven't done it at all today (yay) but would like to make sure I don't do it tomorrow either!

Has anyone else experienced this, and how have you overcome it?


  • I haven't but I'm sending you support anyways! <3 Hopefully things get better for you! I think focusing on healthy snacks is a great idea. Maybe munching on gum or something could help? Good luck!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    A really close friend in high school did this too. She actually worked in the kitchen of her parent's cafe, so I'm wondering how many people who work in the preparation parts of the food industry have problems with this! What she said she did, was that when she put food in her mouth, she would cover her lips with her hand. The hand was not removed until she had swallowed the food. If she was in public, she would press her index finger to her lips to keep up the behavior (even though she didn't spit out food in public). I know it was really hard for her. I saw her come close to tears a few times and she had slip ups. They will happen, so don't beat yourself up. Eventually, her forced behavior became habit, just like how her problem started, and she eats normally now. It'll take time to break a habit like that. But do you best and good luck!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    :( i hope you find the answer a professional might be the best idea
  • This breaks my heart! Sending you hope darling. I have personally overcome MANY harmful addictions, but the key for me was support. I've never achieved anything worthwhile in total solitude. You're talking about this, BRAVO! Keep talking about it, possibly with a professional. Blessings to you, you WILL overcome this, this is just a habit and habits can be broken xo
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    The only time I did that was when I was starving myself , I know is common with people with eating disorders.

    As a matter of fact is Chew & Spit is consider an eating disorder by many.

    The way I dealt with it was realizing that I was just torturing myself and that it was not healthy , I only had this habit for a short time so for me it was not hard kicking it. But it sounds like you have been doing it for a while you should talk with a therapist or find if there is a food addiction / EA support group near .
  • Thanks everyone for the support :)
    I have never actually told anyone I know about this, so it feels good to get it out there!
    I've seen quite a few others online saying they've experienced this, but have never heard of other people who started doing it from working within the food industry, so it's really interesting to hear about that!

    I find this more helpful than reading about people with eating disorders, because I really see this stemming from the fact that I had to taste so much sweet food, however I realise I no longer need to do this, so need to stop!

    Will definitely try just covering my mouth and making myself swallow it when I'm on my own, it's not an issue for me whilst in public, so I just need to make sure it's not an issue when alone- for someone who works alone in an icecream shop for 20 hours a week, this could be more difficult!

    Thanks so much for your advice everyone :)