Health AIds

Has anyone tried a diet supplement that really works such as...lipozene hydroxycut, slim having a tough timelosing any weight..... eating right amount of calories and xecercising 4 times a week....i havent excercised or ate well at all in 10 years so i thought i would lose kind of fast at first....but it has been a month and i have lost 1/2 a pound.. I am 275 and 5'5" and 47 years old...HELP i am getting so discouraged why bother with all this for 1/2 a pound......i can take a dump and lose that.....i also have a bad back due to an injury it hurts so much to excercise but i do it anyways had to increase pain meds hydrocodone........SUGGESTIONS PLEASE HELP


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    No magic pills! I'm guessing your real issue lies in your locked food diary. Are you logging accurately? Weighing? Measuring? Tracking every bite & nibble? Eating enough? Eating back your exercise calories?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    There are NO magic pills. Ever. No matter what Dr Oz says.

    Eat a calorie deficit but above your BMR.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Do exactly what this says to do and you will lose. I did.
  • surfteam1689
    surfteam1689 Posts: 73 Member
    I know what you are going through. I started MFP in February of 2011, lost 8 pounds, and then in June dislocated my left shoulder and tore my left pectoralis major. I can still do only about 5 pushups where I used to pop off 65. On February 5th I started the Ideal Protein diet at 200 pounds (+2 with clothes). This morning I weighed in at 181.6 (+2 with clothes). I have done very little exercise - mainly just rebounding on my Cellerciser. The first two weeks I was cellercising and lost 5 pounds of body fat. This is a great, no muscle loss protocol. The last two weeks I did not cellercise because my wife and I were packing and moving. I only lost about 2 to 3 pounds of body fat. The cool thing is that the foods come in little,special foil sackets and I still get to eat a lot. If you CAN'T workout like me, get a Cellerciser and just bound up and down on it. Trust me, you will be sweating in about 20 minutes. If you can afford the Ideal Protein diet - do it. You will lose body fat and preserve your muscle mass - which is what you need to do. Check out the Cellerciser on youtube. There are also lots of videos there on the Ideal Protein diet. Blessings! :-)
  • lve been doing since 2-4 didnt know diary was locked.....i think i unlocked it
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Lots of fast food (which included a lot of sodium). Eat more veggies, protein and fiber - whole foods. Eat less processed food, less fast food and you won't need a magic pill to lose the weight. Treat your body right and it will treat you right.

    Can you do pool exercises like water aerobics or just walking in the pool? Might be easier on the back??
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    I'm sorry about your back injury. I know that could make it hard to lose weight. First off, you may want to work with a physical therapist that can teach you how to rehabilitate your body so you can start doing exercises withouth hurting your back. Also you will really need to shop good food fresh fruits, vegetables, etc. I can see that you eat a lot of fast food. That could be because you don't cook at home or you just like the taste if fast food. That is the first thing you have to change. Fast food is so calorie dense that on the days you eat a lot of them you may have to eat more calories just to give yourself the same fullness. Also they are unhealthy for you. Not just calorie wise but also nutrition wise. You must shop regularly and learn how to cool healthy meals for yourself regularly.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Firstly, congrats on wanting to improve on your health and the 1/2lb weight loss! :)

    Agree with everyone that there is no magic pills! Unless eating the pills make you eat better (ie you feel you have to eat better because you already spent money on the pills), then they are useless. You can spend all the money you want and unless you change how you eat, they won't help!

    Looking through your diary, I see quite a couple of days over by quite a bit, and some days you're under. Looking at the big picture you are over by your caloric limits you've set. Also, have you been logging EVERYTHING in honestly? This is important! I see some days that you earned close to 2000 calories from exercise! May I know what you did? A lot of times people also over estimate how much they burn because machines at gyms are inaccurate and I suspect mfp being a little higher on calories burned too!
    Do exactly what this says to do and you will lose. I did.

    I'd say go to the above link of the road map and do your calculations!
    Next, try to be as consistent as possible everyday!
    If you have trouble sticking with the caloric goals because you feel like you don't have enough to eat, switch some of it to healthier foods! You can get much more for the same amount of calories for healthy foods :) And needless to say, there are many other benefits that come along, and healthy foods give you better energy :) You don't have to eat only healthy foods and feel deprived! Just make sure that it is substituting some of the fast food! Search the forums here and there will be lots of suggestions on yummy healthy foods, alternatives to your favorite healthy foods etc!

    If you improve your eating and stick to your caloric goals and still do not see any weight loss after months then I'd suggest getting tested by a doctor to see if you have any underlying medical conditions hindering your weight loss!

    I am sure you can do this, don't give up or feel frustrated!! Stay positive and know that you're worth it! And even if you stay with what you're doing, 1/2 a lb per month will still accumulate! But I'm sure slowly you would improve your eating habits and things will pick up :) Speed doesn't matter, as long as you're making progress :)
  • Thanks for sharing advices......