Shoulder pops

My right shoulder pops :frown:
Doing Fitness Blender's 'Upper Body Functional Strength Training Workout with Dumbbells', I cant do the pullovers. It feels like it pops out at the front as soon as I get my arm 1/4 of the way up.
Not like I dislocated it or anything tragic, just pops out and pops back in. With an audible noise too :sad:

Cant afford chiropractor, not going to waste 6 weeks of my life waiting for NHS physio (before you go there).

Just a simple question: Should I keep doing this workout, to try and strengthen the whole shoulder?


  • luckynky
    luckynky Posts: 123 Member
    Do you do any stretches? I would suggest stretches, and specifically, trying some yoga poses that focus on shoulders. Yoga is not only great for your muscles, but also great for your joints.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    Do you do a warm-up before you get into lifting? My shoulder pops when I first start lifting as well. In general, sounds without pain is harmless. But it can be a bit annoying and distracting.

    What I typically do to warm-up is some lightweight shoulder exercises. With no weights, I hold my arms out to the sides, parallel to the ground, and make slow, small circles with my hands. I do this for about 10 seconds, then rest, and again for 10 seconds. I'll do this 3-4 times. Then I warm-up the rotator cuffs. So, I take super light weight (2 lbs. or 3 lbs.). Don't ever do this with over 5 lbs. You can you tube search some videos on rotator cuff warm-up.

    And then after a few intervals of this, I'll do light weight dumbbell overhead presses (again, with light weight but can be over 5 lbs.) for a few sets. And then I'll do a few sets of side raises. I find that in most cases, the popping will diminish or go away entirely, by this point, and I can proceed onward with the upper body workout. I do this any and all type of upper body work.

    I hope this is of some help. If this doesn't resolve the problem, then the next time you see your doctor, you may want to bring this up, just so that it can be put in your records. And if you do start experiencing pain or discomfort, then hold off on the exercises and see a doctor.

    Hope this is of some help! Good luck!
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I had the same problem, I started doing pushups (and they hurt) but now that I have been doing them for a while my shoulder no longer pops as you put it, and the pain is gone, it took about a month but I haven't had an issue for about four months now. I think as you strengthen your muscles they will tighten up and keep your shoulder in place as they were intended to do.

  • Harmony2376
    Harmony2376 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for the ideas Chris & Lucky. I'll try the exercises you suggest Chris before I start.
    Unfortunately, it also pops in everyday life. Its hard to do a bunch of stretches before you reach to get a can from the back of the cupboard!

    Thanks Rigger - glad to hear you fixed yours. I guess I will persevere with pushups (even girl ones right now I feel like I'm going to land on my nose after about 9!)
  • Harmony2376
    Harmony2376 Posts: 27 Member
    Just thought I'd update this.

    I have discovered standing press-ups (against a wall). I can do more reps, without overdoing it. It is strengthening my shoulder, so it pops much less.

    I have also been doing slow arm raises to the sides and to the front (just until arms parallel to the floor, no higher), and Chris' arm circling. And any workouts that involve dumbbells, I have been doing without weights.

    I can tell that it is slowly getting stronger, and more stable, so much less popping.
    Thanks for your input.