Back and Motivated!

Oenone Posts: 19 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All, I joined this site approx 18 months ago and successfully shed a few pounds before I lost motivation and subsequently stopped logging in (denial)
Since then my weight has sneakily and without my permission crept up to 204 at my heaviest and I was able to bring it down to 198 (ideal weight is about 155) and now that I am logging in everyday and getting total motivation by reading lots of your positive posts, have managed to lose more of those unwanted pounds and am starting to feel and look awesome!
Feel free to add me as friend and with each others support we can make this work for everyone! I'm going to make my blogs public to help keep me on track! Thanks Guys!


  • i think that is soo awesome! and yes, motivation is the key to success! we can all do it with a little encouragement to set us off!
  • Well, welcome back. It's funny tho, we have approximately the same starting point and the same goal.
  • Oenone
    Oenone Posts: 19 Member
    Well I definitley have to add you as a friend Noriann, and we can help each other stay motivated!
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I have to say "Good on You!", the hardest thing is to get back on track and really motivate yourself again- so many (like myself) wait just that little bit longer and have twice as much as before to lose!! You will find lots of new friends here to help you stay on track and make this the last time around :smile:
  • Drag the web site into your windows startup, then you've got nowhere to hide, that might help keep you motivated. :)
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