new to MFP and so far so good : )

I just started my journey, so far I have been eating more healthy, and watching my calories intake, yes I still slip up but I think I'm doing good. (Only 4 pds so far, i'm in my fourth week) I joined a gym about two weeks ago and workout daily , dragging myself out of bed each day at 5:30 am to be at the gym for 5:50 am. I have been doing cardio (week days 35 mins, at the gym) alittle more on the weekends. I have started doing some strenght training, mostly stomach. I currently have no friends on here, or motivators, add me if you like.


  • Hi Jules!

    Well done for those 4 weeks! And dragging yourself out of bed at 5.30 for the gym before 6!? Wow! That's real inspiration :) Keep us posted! :)
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    Add me if you like. Best wishes on your journey. I'm an early morning workout person (but not a vegan :) ).