Motivation please :(

I have my final 10lb to lose and it's just taking me forever. It's taking all I have to not give up. I just need a boost to help me through this plateau stage because right now I just want to eat Chinese and cry. Anyone else going through the same thing? :'( Any tips/advice/motivation would be fantastic.


  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I have been trying to lose the last 10 pounds for about 6 months now so I know how you feel. The home stretch is always the hardest one, I'm afraid. Instead of focusing on the scale, try to shift your attention to getting stronger and lowering your body fat. It's more important then being at a certain weight anyway. Try not weighing yourself for a long time and only taking pictures of your body to track your progress. Anything to avoid the number on the scale.
  • TamDsg
    TamDsg Posts: 2
    Don't quit. Accept the fact that you have a bad day. Accept yourself for not being perfect. Be proud of yourself and the weight you have already lost. Maybe you can give yourself some reward - something else but Chinese food?! Maybe a nice bracelet or a book you've been waiting to buy or maybe sign up for this dance class you've always wanted to participate.
    OR you give yourself one Chinese dinner - normal size, do not supersize yourself. Just one nice plate - and enjoy it slowly and run one more lap or work out harder for it. And then get back to your normal diet.
    Just don't be to hard on yourself...

    Maybe look for some motivation quotes online - they help me - not everyday, but most of the days. ;)

    Good luck!!!
  • tlwall1972
    tlwall1972 Posts: 12

    I know how you feel...there have been many times over the past two years I have wanted to give up, give in and eat Chinese.
    Sometimes I have eaten the Chinese....then I feel sick because I always eat too
    There are times, though, that I have taken a couple of days off...kind of refocusing myself and after those few days I find that I feel better and mentally prepared to take up the fight again.
    Those last 10 lbs will be could take a little longer to get ride of them. But YOU can do it. Sometimes it's just about being
    Keep doing what your doing or if you want, try something different...a new workout...different foods...whatever...cause the rut we sometimes get ourselves into can make it more difficult for us to want to continue because it's become boring.
    Again, YOU can do it.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Screw motivation. Rely on discipline. if you're down to your last ten pounds then you KNOW how this works. My standard answer to this question is here in its own blog post.
  • g33kmommy
    g33kmommy Posts: 104 Member
    You can do it!!!! Maybe try only weighing yourself once a month, or every two weeks. Try your best not to cheat, and keep loggin' that food! Make sure you are drinkin' a lot of water too.

    I have to ask though, at what point or at what weight does the "last 10 lbs" start to be slow for people? If some people want to loose lets say...50 lbs, and some people want to only lose 15 lbs - what makes it harder for the person that lost 40 and the person that lost 5? I'm scared it will happen to me too!
  • Hang in there. You should see another weight drop in a couple of days.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Screw motivation. Rely on discipline. if you're down to your last ten pounds then you KNOW how this works. My standard answer to this question is here in its own blog post.
  • Feel free to add me if you're motivated and can provide motivation.

    I exchange daily messages with a select few people.

    I am technically at a healthy weight, but I would like to lose about that much. It is going to take every once of determination I have. I want this so badly.
  • HisStrengthCounselor
    HisStrengthCounselor Posts: 191 Member
    see this article-

    You have to realize that in reality, motivation is an emotion, and our emotions flucate from day to day> If you base your actions on emotions, you will not have lasting change. You have to understand that motivation will change from time to time, but you can't rely on it to sustain your healthy habits. Just as the others have said, Just KEEP doing the behaviors, even if you don't FEEL like it. Maybe you need to change up your exercise routine, and also stop relying on the scale to gauge your progress. I agree with other posters, focus on toneing up muscle work, incr endurance, body measurements; Also maybe you need to revamp your nutrition, our body's can plateu when eating the same thing, so maybe go out your comfort zone and try so new healhty recipes. Just remember that some days, your motivation will suck, but that doesnt mean you have DO anything about it, just keep making healthy decisions and doing healthy behaviors.