Emotional Eating/ Mindless Eating

For any of you out there that struggle with emotional eating or mindless eating read this! Also, I didn't know I had a problem with emotional eating until I read this. So if for some reason your not losing weight or you have binge problems I recommend reading this. There's no quick fix to our struggles but identifying the problem with get us closer to out goals. I hope this helps! Let me know what you think!



  • elainemorris1982
    elainemorris1982 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for sharing
    KAYRRIE Posts: 201 Member
    I didn't think I was an emotional eater until I had an argument with the hubby a few weeks ago. It was in the midst of cooking and I wanted to binge right after and I didn't even care. Thankfully I controlled it well that day but that's when it clicked, I was an emotional eater. But I would eat when ever I got angry, not really when I got sad. Before I started on MFP, I was a mindless eater. I would eat anytime, anything. I wouldn't eat breakfast, sometimes not even lunch, then I would binge on dinner and ice cream after. Since I've started on here, I make it a point to never leave the house without eating breakfast, I plan my lunches, even if it's simple like oatmeal, and I eat my dinners, and definitely leave plenty of room for snacks. And if I go over, (usually with snacks), I go jump on my exercise bike and burn any excess cals off. I even planned all our meals out for our camp trip in a week. It's been a great adventure to say the least on here. A great relief actually.
  • wondermommie85
    wondermommie85 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for posting! I do this a lot, especially when I am under a lot of stress. Like right now. I am trying very hard to rein it in.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    I havent read it but I know that this is my NUMBER ONE problem. I believe that very few people with weight issue got that way (and stayed that way) due to poor habits, I believe most of it is mental. Its a hard battle but I'm, in it for the long haul!!! :glasses:
  • brandiseagroves
    brandiseagroves Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you for posting...after losing a lot of weight...I definitely have my days where I know 100% I am an emotional eater...so funny how we can go through life and not realize certain things about ourselves....until finally one day it just hits you!! Like you just catch yourself in the middle of your 5th Oreo...thinking...WHAT AM I DOING and WHY??

    I really appreciate this, it brings a lot of things to the surface...and I think that like every other addiction...admitting you have a problem...is the first step!

    Are you an emotional eater?
    ◾Do you eat more when you’re feeling stressed? YES
    ◾Do you eat when you’re not hungry or when you’re full? YES
    ◾Do you eat to feel better (to calm and soothe yourself when you’re sad, mad, bored, anxious, etc.)? YES
    ◾Do you reward yourself with food? YES- every celebration centers around food
    ◾Do you regularly eat until you’ve stuffed yourself? YES- at times
    ◾Does food make you feel safe? Do you feel like food is a friend? SAFE YES- Friend...not so sure about that..lol
    ◾Do you feel powerless or out of control around food? OFTEN YES
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    I've known I was an emotional eater since I was a teenager. My mom was one too, and she noticed it in me. I struggle with it on a daily basis. Thank you for posting this!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    It is very mental!
    The hardest part is not to take that first bite.
    Good going to everyone to control.
    I have a time trigger time10:00am to 3:00 pm
    this time frame is when I am most likely to binge eat
  • kmalony
    kmalony Posts: 4 Member
    I have always been an emotional eater and learned to change that around by watching what I eat and limited sugars and staying clear of fake sugars. Every day life can be stressful but managing life and doing whats good for us makes a huge diff in emotional eating. I'm in it for the long haul also.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Good article, thanks. I have always known I was emotional eater and still struggle with it. I feel sick when I get to the end of an eating binge.
    I recently got the "brain training" CDs that are encouraged with the protein powder I ordered and found myself actually responding to them. I am going to continue to work with them to see if I can cement in the stress relief responses and decrease/eliminate my food responses to stress.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    this thread needs a man...otherwise one could come to the false stereotype that only women do this.
  • batgirl140
    batgirl140 Posts: 433 Member
    Its hard to break that cycle of emotional eating and you are right it it definitely mental, so hard to work through. You have to take charge, like you did. Know when your weak times are and address them. I used to work evenings and get home about 11:30pm, that was my binge time, the absolute worst time of day to eat anything let alone everything that I could find. Now I'm eating three meals a day and I never did that before. Eating more often and losing weight? Thats what people find hard to believe. And several snacks a day! Its the quality of what you eat not the quantity that should be satisfying. We just have to remember that and work hard!
  • jennaplease
    jennaplease Posts: 7 Member
    Haha I didn't even notice! That would be a cool thing to research. How much emotional eating effects women and men, and if women are much more prone to emotional eating. (Obviously from the responses I've gotten; women)
  • jennaplease
    jennaplease Posts: 7 Member
    Totally agree. After posting this I understand that it's much more mental than physical. Also, you mentioned eating at 11:30. I sometimes have a problem with that but I've been able to control it because I found the root of the problem. I was tired. Instead of going to bed I'd eat. Try getting home running to brush your teeth. At all costs avoid the TV. And go to bed!
  • jennaplease
    jennaplease Posts: 7 Member
    this thread needs a man...otherwise one could come to the false stereotype that only women do this.