Here I am!

thinkbean Posts: 25 Member
Hi all:

I have had success with weight loss before (after having my first two children) and I don't have a ton to lose (I'd be happy with 15 lbs), it is more about inches and energy! I have too many of one and not enough of the other!

Here's me: I'm 35, and since I had my third child, I have not been able to get back to my goal weight of 135, usually due to lack of time and utter exhaustion. I am vegan (ok, 90%...I cheat and eat cheese every now and again), and my kids and husband will occasionally indulge in meat and dairy, although I love to cook and try to make things they will love so they don't miss the animal products (loving to cook is probably the main issue). I eat pretty well, honestly-- very few sweets and lots of vegetables. Carbs are my weakness. My brother is a holistic doctor, so I know the power of what we put into our mouths, but that doesn't stop me from eating vegan waffles and artesian potato chips on the weekend. ;) I feel like I am constantly hungry, or Iet myself go for such a long time without a snack, I am ravenous and eat everything in sight like a goat. It's quantity with me, not necessarily quality (carrots and hummus? Sure. Oh, is that a tomato sandwich? Great? Pasta primavera? Don't mind if I do...)

Basically, I'm tired of muffin top, the post-baby belly and jiggly legs. I want to be proud of the shape I am in! Two years ago, I did the couch to 5k program with success and ran my first 5k (29:45, so not too bad). At that time, I was doing regular yoga as well and was getting into pretty decent shape, but I fell off the wagon and have not been consistent about exercise since then. Going vegan in January (after a cleanse with my brother) helped and I lost a few pounds, but I really need a push. I am hoping MFP will help, and that I can fit everything in-- full-time work, three kids, and a great relationship with my husband leaves very little time for me.

My goal is 135 pounds, run a 5k in September to beat my previous time. Ideally, I will work out 4x/weekly-- at least one of those being a good sweaty yoga class.

Anyone out there like I am? I'd love to be friends with those who'd be willing to help me motivate myself to find time to work out and make good choices.

See you around these parts!

