Saw Tamara on the today show and joined today

gpa4g1 Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself

I saw Tamara on the Today Show today and decided to check out this site. I have now joined. I am very nervous to commit to this. I have over 100 pounds to lose and I am overwhelmed with the thought of having to lose that much weight. I am happy to see the online tracking tool. That will make it much easier. Any advice for new joiners is appreciated. Thank you.

P.S. Does anyone know the brand of protein shake Tamara uses?


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Welcome to MFP
    This is a great site. Take the time to learn about all the great features and use them.
    You will succeed if you work hard and don’t lose sight of your goal.
    This site changed my life and it can change yours

    Take it one day at a time
    Stay open minded to new ideas
    Take baby steps
    Drink lots of water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Think of this as a new way of life, not just a temporary diet.

    It always helps me to log my food first before I eat so there are no surprises.

    Find a group to be part of and check in with them every day. The best way to find a group is to go to the message boards and read a lot of the threads until you find a group that has what you want, then reply and say you want to join and then participate regularly with them and get to know them. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    There are some great thread links tacked to the top of the general info board. There is a link there to "Expectations" which I found to be really really helpful. Good luck!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Who's Tamara?
  • Barbiecat knows what she is talking about....Look at that weight loss! Good Job!

    Don't think about how much you have to go.........think about how much you'll lose and how great you will feel when you start losing weight. Just start keeping track of what you are eating and start taking some walks before or after dinner to begin some activity. When you see everything you are eating it really opens your eyes and makes you want to stay near the calorie goal set for each day. Log your food everyday if you can and make sure to accurately measure and weigh your portions.

    If you need some encouragement please feel free to message me on myfitnesspal.

    Good luck !!!

    P.S. I don't know what kind of protein shake she used. I just drink lots of water instead.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Just take one day at a time. Every morning you wake up with the opportunity to make today the best day it can be.

    And don't worry about the total. By the time I reach my goal I will also have lost over 100 pounds. But taking it in little pieces, and remembering NEVER to throw in the towel, it is very doable. Make some friends out here. We're all nice -- really!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :flowerforyou: Yes, first of all - you aren't commiting to the site but committing to YOU... there will be slips and slides... side tracks and more but hey, it's LIFE.... but you are signing up for you. I spent the first couple of weeks doing nothing but logging in my foods (weighing them and using the food diary) to get used to the site and then too to find out just what I was doing wrong... Wow, this place has been an eye-opener. Now I've been very ill - :sick: lately and taking cold meds along with eating weird foods (not suppose too) but I know I will be back in the saddle soon!! You can do this - WE can do this!!! There is nothing to be nervous about.... :bigsmile: Welcome to the journey to a new you!!
  • Hi,

    I saw Tamara on the Today Show today and decided to check out this site. I have now joined. I am very nervous to commit to this. I have over 100 pounds to lose and I am overwhelmed with the thought of having to lose that much weight. I am happy to see the online tracking tool. That will make it much easier. Any advice for new joiners is appreciated. Thank you.

    P.S. Does anyone know the brand of protein shake Tamara uses?

    That is exactly why I joined MFP!! I love this site!! Sorry I have no idea what shake Tamara uses!
  • Like the others said, one day at a time. I started my diet before I came here, but this is neat. Anyhow, I just do it the old fashion way, I started counting calories, and gave myself a daily goal, which I set lower then realistic because I knew if I put an appropriate goal, then if I cheated, or didn't attain it, then I would be taking in more then I wanted. So, I just started low, but that was me. I never ever reached that goal, But I feel it helped me cut back more then I would have other wise. The mind is a funny thing like that.
    I started out a 343 pounds, and my final goal is 200 pounds. (That may change when I reach that.) I took a picture I took with me and a friend fishing some 18 years ago, when I was 200 pounds, and printed it out, with my goal on the top in big letters, and stuck it on the frig. It was simple, as it said, "My Goal- 200 lbs".
    I weigh myself about once a week, during the same time-frame as I do every-week, and for me it is after I wake-up, have my juice and coffee and meds, and do the bathroom/shave/shower thing. (Psss...Don't tell anyone, but I don't wear any clothes either, as I am in the bathroom, alone.)
    I also set mini-goals, and it could vary for you, but I try to do 10 pound mini-goals. And not every weight in is as expected, and yes, sometimes I cheat a little, but I don't dwell on it or beat myself up because of it, I just regroup and go forward. I am also honest with what I eat, meaning if I eat it, it gets charted, because otherwise you are just lying to yourself, and I know for me, I have been doing that for far too long. I also watch my salt intake. Everything you eat should have enough sodium in it for a normal person, so I don't add salt, except on a rare occasion pop corn, which is a whole grain. But only a small dash. And spicy food, especially using vegetables with capsicum, also help increase your metabolism. Also, when you visit your primary care doctor, and he/she does blood work, ask about your thyroid levels, as mine were very lower, and now I take medication for that. Also, a lot of meds, which I take 13 as I have some neurological issues, have a side effect of weight gain. That was most obvious when I was taking dexamethosone, a steroid used to help edema related to my neurological issues, and this side effect causes extreme weight-gain, along with some other really bad side effects. I was taking mega-doses which only lasted a few months because the docs were concerned about it causing diabetes in me.
    I wish the best in your weight-loss journey, and any questions feel free to ask.
    Best wishes always,

    PS- Everyone has their own specific way their weight-loss program'regiment works for them. Take what you need, and leave the rest. I still eat everyday, regular ole' food, no fancy drinks, shakes, etc, but like I said, whatever works for you. My parents started with weight-watchers some 6-7 years ago, and my dad lost 85 pounds and my mom 50 pounds using their system, and have kept it off. And their are those nutri-system's, and the Jennie Craig's and slim-fast's, and I could go on and on, but what it comes down to, no matter what way you go, is if "you" want it bad enough. And there are the self help groups like Overeaters Anonymous, which is a peer and/or self help support group, based on A.A.'s 12 Step Recovery program. And the water thing is also really important.
    Again, I wish the best, one day at a time.
  • Hello Tamara, I am a new as well just today. Add me to your friends lets work on this together. We will need the encouragement:flowerforyou: Heidi
  • Thanks for your post. I, too, just joined this site, and your post was the first one that I read. I found it very inspiring.
  • Sorry, My 3 year old jumped up, I know you are not Tamara....:blushing:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    GPA ... I find that looking through the success stories helps me motivate to continue on. Granted I have only been doing this for a few days but I swear looking at people's success stories, before and after pictures and their little weight bar at the bottom of their posts let me know that by making a change to eat better/less/drink less/not at all I can do it too. I don't have 100lbs to lose but I would like to lose 40 at least by the time all this is said and done.

    Just be honest with yourself and your food tracking. We (Americans) are so used to portions being HUGE but I can tell you when I weigh out 4 oz of chicken, it's a lot! I haven't been hungry keeping to 1200 calories and on the days I work out I bank an additional 500 to 600 calories to consume. Search through, go to the motivation and support threads and join a "group" there are a bunch of really cool ones. I am in the "no drinking during the week" group (although I am not drinking on the weekends either) and this past weekend did the Skinny Saturday group for motivation. Oh, and I also joined the "no fast food" group.

    There are so many people who want to support you and it's such a nice feeling.

    Besides weight, measure yourself. What the scale says may not always be the true picture but it will help if you do both the measurements and the weigh ins. As another reply said, try to keep consistent in the day and time you weigh and most people suggest weighing in in the morning after waking up. My day is Thursday. I even bought a new scale!

    Also, buy a kitchen scale it will be the best investment you make toward your future!

    Add me if you would like
  • boogsmom
    boogsmom Posts: 2 Member
    Me too! Saw Tamara on the Today Show and just kept thinking about it. Visited the site today and felt no time better than today to get started. If I don't start tracking now, my weight will just continue to get out of control. No accountability, no loss! So here I am. I don't plan on sticking to any particular diet, but I really like Weight Watchers, but just hated spending the money every month for something I know I should be doing anyway. Then I came across the Flat Belly Diet. Have you seen the recipes? They are so yummy and most are no more than 500 calories a meal. So hopefully, using the priciples of both diets and sticking to my suggested fitness plan, the weight will come off and hopefully never come back!
    Well, that's the plan anyway! :-)
    I look forward to reading more posts and I love the "lbs. lost" boxes they put on the posts! How cool is that! How encouraging!
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