21 Day Challenge

Okay, so this is for people (like me) who can't stick to a plan for more than 7 days without going craaay.

So basically all I wanted to do is stick to your daily calorie goal, whateve that may be, for 21 days.

I keep going over mine and am quite a bit in excess at the moment...so I just wanted some form of accountability/motivation. For every day you do, just type the number of whatever day you're on in this thread. If you break a day, start again.

I'm starting 18th


  • Kelso2628
    Kelso2628 Posts: 23
    Count me in! I havent been logging my food diary on this lately.. i think im hiding from it to be honest... cos if i write it down that means i really ate it! :(
    Ill start tomorrow also... here we go!
  • tulipwings
    tulipwings Posts: 11 Member
    Great, I started yesterday so today is day 2!
  • tulipwings
    tulipwings Posts: 11 Member
    Day 3 - so far so good!
  • tulipwings
    tulipwings Posts: 11 Member
    Here comes day 4...and the weekend....
  • Shawk80
    Shawk80 Posts: 9 Member
    Sounds like a great challenge!! I need to do the same, so I'm in starting today. Needed some motivation :)
  • Ginger0718
    Ginger0718 Posts: 8 Member
    This is something that I defiantly need to do. I do not log everything because I go over.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Day 1 for me :)
  • stevenbrookwood
    stevenbrookwood Posts: 12 Member
    Doubt I'll remember to keep posting in this thread, but day 3 for myself.
  • I am a new to this so I will take you up on this challenge! July 19th is the first day I tracked everything, 20 more to go!
  • dmcxz
    dmcxz Posts: 6 Member
    I know I can lose weight because I have done it soo many times. However, I cannot stay motivated for longer than a few hours. I need to lose weight to get my bp down. I hàve tried the Dash diet ànd I think that is the answer just need to stay motivated. I need to get my butt out of the house and walk. Any help from others will be helpful.
  • tulipwings
    tulipwings Posts: 11 Member
    So...I went over my calories Friday, but I have been on track since Saturday, making today Day 4. If I make it through today, I'll have 17 more days to go...
  • Kempt3
    Kempt3 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been logging in for weeks but struggle with staying beneath limit. Today will be day 1. Follow me!
  • riri0301
    riri0301 Posts: 49 Member
    Count me in pls request Meir u wanna motivate each other best of luck guys!!!!!
  • bhavnoor
    bhavnoor Posts: 36
    I missed my goal yesterday.... :embarassed:

    Today will be Day 1... I will check in tomorrow.
  • Today is day 4 of logging everything and I am down almost 8lbs, pretty good start!

    PS....how do you get your weight tracker in your posts? I've tried to copy and paste the link but it isn't working.
  • I'm the same way- consistently over ugh! I like this goal, and will attempt to start tomorrow. A lot of imes I'm under after I workout, but I want to not have to use the exercise to get to the number of calories I'm supposed to be eating
  • andieellengreen
    andieellengreen Posts: 65 Member
    I'm in! I always manage 5days then it's ruined come weekend!! Need to stick to it for at least the next 3 weekends!! Today is day 2 for me! Add me ????
  • i'll start tomorrow lol
  • aidrenner
    aidrenner Posts: 11 Member
    Made it through today! Bring on day 3
  • tulipwings
    tulipwings Posts: 11 Member
    On Day 5 now...so far so good.