Hi, I'm new

nsulli Posts: 18
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I'm Natalie. Just joined yeterday. Wow, this site is amazing. In just one day of entering my meals, I can see a huge reason for not being able to lose weight. Didn't realize how my calories added up. I love food! Hate to feel the slightest bit hungry. I probably need ideas for combining foods to make me feel full on less calories. I want to change my lifestyle eating. I look forward to having a support group to keep me conscious of my food intake and exercise. Thanks to all in advance.


  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    Welcome to my fitness pal (mfp)! You'll find plenty of support and information here! Don't be afraid to ask questions, its a very helpful community.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Hi, I've had to completely change the way I eat too. I thought I was eating normally, but I was getting far too much fat and calories every day. No wonder I gained so much weight after high school. Since I started paying attention to what I eat, I've lost quite a bit of weight, and it's been quite a wake-up call. I just got married a week ago, but we've been living together for a while and I've had to learn to cook healthy meals for the two of us. Chicken and salad just doesn't cut it anymore, so I've made up healthier versions of fajitas, burritos, spag bol, stir fry, chilli, curries, etc. They probably aren't as good as the fatty originals, but they taste good and, with a few substitutions, I can make myself feel like I've been a little naughty with fewer calories. I'm no chef, admittedly, but if you want some recipes let me know. They're mostly easy to do and all packed full of veggies.
  • Welcome!
    I also am fairly new to this site. Its been a great help! It also made me realize that even though I wasn't eating a ton each day, I was still eating like 100x that amount of calories that I should be having! MFP is making me pay attention more to my sodium, fat, fiber, ect. I already feel better - more energy especially! I wish you luck in your journey! Don't be afraid to ask questions on here - the people are great!
  • beth2411
    beth2411 Posts: 54 Member
    HI, I am new joined yesterday. I have a massive amount of weight to lose have all ready managed to lose half a stone in 2 weeks on my own but with this should hopefully lose more. same as other posts i did not actually realise how many extra calories i was having no wonder the weight crept up over the years. even in my cups of tea a day i was having many many extra calories. Time for change hope this will help. keep all informed. :smile:2025728.png
  • I'm not fairly new, but I've been using MFP for about 5 months now. I've lost 5 pounds so far and plan on losing about 15-20 more. My mom & I are actually doing this whole weight loss thing together. We've experimented with a lot of different recipes to cut out fat and calories, while also keeping us full. I'm happy to help with changing recipes around, & I could also use a bigger support group. :smile:
  • Hi All, thanks for the great comments. :happy:
    I just read a book recently ( set in Ireland) where the character mentioned weigt in stones. I didn't know what that equaled in lbs so I just looked it up on-line. I see that a stone equals 14 lbs. So they say we should learn something new every day. That's mine for the day. If I could lose a stone, I'd be pleased. Anything between 13-20 lbs would be great.
    Beth, you're right. Entering the meals is a huge eye opener. I couldn't believe my calorie intake. Shocking!!!! What a great calorie counter. Adding the cream in my coffee killed my calorie intake; same as your tea. I think we found a good place. Let's work on this together.
    Alexia, I look forward to sharing with you and your mom. When I enter an individual item into the food log and see how many calories it contains, I'm shocked. It will certainly change my recipes. Ouch!!!!!:angry:
    I love food. This is difficult already.
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