What's your eating and exercise plan like?

xginanax Posts: 333 Member
What's your eating and exercise plan like? I am just starting again after failing too many times to sticking with my diet but i always tend to go back to my eating habit after i have lost some weight. Usually people get motivated to keep going, where I am more like "OMG i lost weight, okay ill eat that chocolate now".. and next thing you know i have gained it all back. I am 5'2 which is about 159cm, and am about 71kg which i think its about 150lbs but i am planning on losing about 20kg.

So was wondering how did you start? whats your eating and exercise plan like?


  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I don't have a eating plan just set macros, and I am on a push, pull, split with added strength days.
  • jmadams111
    jmadams111 Posts: 145 Member
    My program is self designed and pretty extreme. I roughly calculated (before I found this site) that I needed to eat half of what I was eating...so I cut everything in half. I started biking, either stationary or real, every other day and going to the gym alternate days, to build muscle to help burn fat. Each exercise started at about 30 min per day and ramped up to anywhere from 45 min at the gym to 1 1/2 hrs on the real bike. I now do sott of a modified HOT when I use the stationary bike.
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member



    Thats so me! LOL
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    Background before I respond so that my choices make more sense: Started in January of this year at 257 and 5'5". Goals were to get in better shape and reduce my cholesterol, but then weight started coming off, and now that's a major goal, too. I go to a lot of special events, eat out a lot, and still have wine and dark chocolate, but I've lost 48 lbs since I started. Still have a good chunk left to go. The following plan was developed by my doctor, my nutritionist, and my exercise physiologist, all of whom work with each other, after they did metabolic testing on me to see what my BMR was. Best wishes finding what works for you!

    my eating plan:

    * 1808-2000 cals/day

    * no more than 500 cals per meal

    * eat a little something every 2.5-4 hours to avoid getting crazy hungry and making poor choices

    * minimum of 30g fiber per day, but aim for 40

    * maximum of 14 grams sat fat per day

    * eat whole foods instead of heavily processed ones as much as possible

    * lots of lean protein

    my exercise plan:

    Sundays: long (60-90 minutes) power walk

    Mondays: Nautilus routine right after work

    Tuesdays: shadowboxing class at 19h05

    Wednesdays: rest

    Thursdays: hour with trainer before work

    Fridays: rest

    Saturdays: hour with trainer at 09h30
  • marniekerr
    marniekerr Posts: 63 Member
    I started with just learning what made up the foods I was eating - not really changing much the first few days, just getting an idea of what I was REALLY putting in my body. Then I starting adding salad to either my lunch or dinner - it made me less hungry for the higher calorie stuff. It was a real eye opener to see how much fat and sugar were in foods I thought were healthy choices. Seeing that made it easier for me to cut back on those items. I haven't given up eating them though - I've learned to have wee portions of the not so good stuff, so I don't feel like this lifestyle change is unrealistic. If I want something, I make sure I get in some exercise - a walk or bike ride- to help counteract what I've eaten. As for exercise, I walk and/or bike nearly everyday - but that took easing into as well. For me I found the hardest part was realizing this isn't a short term "diet", but a permanent change to my lifestyle. Once I embraced that, it became much easier :). Hope you find your happy medium that keeps you on course - good luck!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Not exactly clear what details you were looking for in regards to an eating plan but here is what I do.

    I'm 5'1 and currently eat 1600 + exercise cals.
    I am really working at keeping close to my macros of 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fats. Micros I'm not overly concerned with but I do glance at them to just get an idea. Not a "clean" eater, but I don't fill my days with 100% "junk" either.

    I focus on balancing the week more than just the day.

    I do weight training 3x a week (M, W, F) and light cardio 2-3x a week. I am also attempting to make Sundays an active rest day with a yoga session.

    My goal is to get down to 20% body fat...possibly with an ultimate goal of 18% body fat. Other than that, my other/main goals are more fitness related (i.e miles run, weight lifted, etc).
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I'm on the Eat Alll of the Foods program currently. Prior to this, I was on the Eat Alll of the Foods program. After this, I will start on the Eat Alll of the Foods program.
  • jadisfeigns
    jadisfeigns Posts: 57 Member
    I rollerblade, and I'm trying to jog now. When I first started, since I had a sit down job, i looked at just eating calories back from a maintain standpoint...I was freaking hungry ALL the time. Then I went to TDEE--now I eat 2050 calories a day, and I think I'll follow a runner's diet -60% carb, 20% protein, 20% fat. we'll see how that works out. I usually don't end up getting that many carbs anyways.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Capt_Apollo - OMG, love the link! Thanks fir the laughs!
  • soysauce6626
    soysauce6626 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm on a legs, push, pull, routine. My cals are 2600 Macros ranges are 60-70 fats 280-300g carbs 140-180g p. I'm currently reverse dieting.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    At the moment they are currently non existent.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    I run every morning, strength train 3-4 times per week, and eat all the foods.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I don't bother cutting things out of my diet. I try to make healthier choices, but I still allow myself all the foods that I like. I had a York Peppermint Pattie after my dinner tonight and was still at my 1200 calorie mark. I try to stay within a range of 1200-1400 since sometimes, I'm going to go over 1200. There's no question that I can eat more if I choose healthier foods, but I have tried to deny myself things in the past, with terrible success. So as long as I'm under my calories and sodium, I love a treat. I exercise so that I can eat a bit more and to tone my body up. I'm doing Body Revolution right now. I'm glad I got a heart rate monitor so I know exactly how many calories I'm burning.
  • sexymuffintop
    The thing is with your question, it's a bit too open ended. Yes lots of people are on here to lose weight, but also plenty on here to maintain, build muscle, just for fitness etc the list goes on. I could give you a run down of what I do in the gym and what I eat but I think it would bore you to tears. Maybe if you were to specify what you want to achieve, what your aspirational body looks like, then work out what YOU have to do to achieve that. Other people's plan's are specific for their needs and won't really help you that much. Only my opinion though of course. Good luck x