I am on a diet...

Does anyone actually say that anymore?

That makes me cringe...


  • baiye1
    baiye1 Posts: 27 Member
    No, I don't use that term. Always "Lifestyle Change." Of course, said with rolled eyes, but still true. Diets fail but lifestyle changes just are. Plus then, if my lifestyle changes, I didn't fall of the wagon, I just charted a new course! LOL
  • Vorenus85
    Vorenus85 Posts: 112 Member
    Only when talking to people who aren't quite aware of what I'm trying to do. I consider it a lifestyle change, but it feels odd to tell people "I'm on a lifestyle change" when asked "Are you on a diet?"
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    Nope. I am not on a diet . I am just "eating better" and "moving more". They look at me like I'm crazy. But, really, isn't that what it is? All honesty aside........ that's all it is. It truly is a lifestyle change. I think they just want to hear about a quick fix, magic pill or something. Nope. Just dedication. To the new, healthier you.
  • EyeOTS
    EyeOTS Posts: 362 Member
    I never know what to say. Usually it ends up "I'm trying to lose weight" which is a silly thing to say when you HAVE lost a lot. I'll have to try "eating better" that sounds more accurate.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    if someone asks me if i'm on a diet, I just say 'sort of'. If they're intrigued, they'll ask. If they don't really care, they move on.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I call it my Weight Loss Journey. Because it's a journey and a path and it's ongoing. I would probably also say I'm not on a diet but I count my calories. Further, TG for the internet & MFP, before that it was kind of desert out there - Jenny Craig, WW, etc, and those are not ways that would ever work for me, plus, of course "diet" books that claim to know it all. Again, TG for MFP!